Adopt the SkyECC technique to keep your data safe.
The advancements in technology have changed the meaning of the word, ‘security’ in today’s times. When you use the word today, it means, ‘security of data or personal information’. The online platform is a fantastic channel to express your opinions. It makes you vulnerable to cyber-attacks that can threaten your security. We refer to the financial information one stores on their mobile phones. It makes it imperative for people to adopt safety measures such as mobile phone encryption, etc.
Encryption in simple words means securing your data in such a way that you would have to use a secret code or a password to access the data. Usually, you find the encrypted data in the form of ciphr text. It is a right way of maintaining secrecy. The hackers are intelligent people. They find means to hack such encoded data as well. Hence, the security agencies have to be on their toes all the time. One has to be a step ahead of these hackers. The Elliptical curve cryptography is a positive step in this direction.
The ECC technology is a highly advanced one. This technology has various benefits. We shall discuss some of them for you during this article. One should understand that the pilfering of data is possible anywhere. It can be at the source or the destination. It is possible enroute as well. Therefore, the encryption should be as secure as possible. Hence, it becomes essential to have private keys on your phone. It should be such that no other person other than you should be able to access the same. The encryption restricts your service provider from accessing the data as well. It takes care of the safety of the data enroute. You can share the safety keys with the recipient of the message. He can use the keys to access the information on his device.
We are speaking of pilferage of data through the electronic mode. It can also happen that someone can try the physical mode as well. The hacker can try to assault you and force you to share the information about the security keys. Under such circumstances, you have the option of using the false duress password to disable the entire data on the application.
A self-destructing message option is a beautiful option as well. You can set the time for your message to be actively visible to the recipient. The best part of this exercise is that the message would self-destruct from both your phone as well as the recipient’s phone after the expiry of the designated period. In case you as well as your recipient are both online, you can have the facility of instant messaging. The system is such that it allows for off the record instant messaging. It entails that there is no storage of the record of the instant messaging done with the recipient. It is a fantastic security measure. No one but your recipient can have access to the message. There is no question of pilferage of data anywhere.