My sister's first time in a cinema
Cinema - One of my favorite programs
This week is really special. Three year ago, i moved out to Sao Paulo, and for the first time, my family come to visite me. My young sister has 11 years old, she grow up in a small city and she never have entered in a cinema. So, let's show to her the magic of one of my favorite weekend programs.
Cinema + pop corn = happines
First of all, we were very hungry, then we buy some dinner. I buyed some japanese food for me, and for the first time, my sister saw japanese food. His face says so much if she liked or not...hahahah

After that, we had to choose an movie. We have a lot of options, them we choose a good movie called "Coco" (here in Brazil you can found him by "Viva - A vida é uma festa"). It's about a mexican boy who have a dream to become a musician, but his family doesn't support him (i can't talk why, spoilers not allowed here).

Movie poster here in Brazil. This dog really looks like my dog, i think this is gonna be a good post btw
So, i'm the kind of person who NEVER go to a cinema without a popcorn and soda, them we buy the gold and get into de room. After a lot of trailers, ads and a half popcorn bucket, the movie started and the cellphones are turned off.
Two hours later, we got into a cab and returning to my house. A really great night with someone who i really love.

Thank you for reading.
Cara, que história maravilhosa! Posso imaginar a felicidade dela e também a sua. Bom demais matar a saudade da família!
QUE LINDOS! Olha a carinha dela de alegria, deve ter se divertido muito. Com certeza não poderia ter escolhido filme melhor pra assistir em família. Eu chorei litros com esse filme ❤️ muito bom soave
Que daora tutu!! Imagino a felicidade de vocês dois em compartilhar uma experiência nova para ela. Família realmente é o que há de mais valioso em nossas vidas.
Vida longa tutu, parabéns bro!
Que história maneira! Deve ser muito legal apresentar o cinema para alguém que nunca foi!
Que lindos!! Ela claramente amou! Qual a diferença de idade entre vocês? Moara e eu temos 13 anos de diferença, ela ama sair comigo (e eu com ela).
Que bom estarmos ao lado de quem a gente ama, né?
Post emocionante, Soave! <3