Cicada 3301 Puzzle - some thoughts

in #cicada33017 years ago (edited)

The Puzzle: "Eagles rain fire on the Canaanite, as the merchant of wine challenges Cyrus, The sword of Lilly joins forces with Jacob's adopted children"

"The obsession with Troy and the Trojan War by descendants of the Merovingian bloodline can be understood when you read the Edda. It tells of how Thor's Troy was raided by the "Edenite" serpent cult led by Wodan. The Phrygians were serpent worshippers before their defeat by Thor, and totems of the serpent cult were the lion and the wolf. This is why Phrygia means "Land of the Lions". Still today the Illuminati use the lion profusely in their symbolism - look at Britain and the British royal family alone. This same serpent cult described in the Edda continues to manipulate the world to this day. We call it the llluminati. The British royal family are reptilian "host" (possessed) entities who work for the serpent cult/ llluminati and we can now see the true symbolism of the royal crest with the lion facing a chained unicorn. The symbol of Thor/Indara and his Nordics was the goat and this later evolved into the unicorn. Thus we have the symbolism of the lion (serpent cult) controlling and imprisoning the tethered human race and their great enemies, the Nordics (unicorn). Notice also the great similarity between the royal crest and that of the House of Rothschild, complete with lion, unicorn and fleurde-lis"

"Early accounts by the Gnostic sect (Gnostic = "knowledge") tell of the serpent gods in a positive light. They claim that Lilith (Eve) was their first creation and then Adam followed as her partner. The Hebrew Talmud also claims that Lilith, a vampire, was Adam's first wife. This is symbolism, of course, but symbolising what? Lilith (also Lillibet and Elizabeth) is one of the code names for the bloodlines on the female side to this day. She was known as Lil to the Sumerians and Lilitu in Babylon. Hebrew traditions say that Lilith rebelled against Adam and his God and fled to a cave after eating her own child. There she lived with the demons of the underground world and bred with them. She told Adam and Eve that she and her offspring would always abduct human children and take them to their subterranean world. The Roman Church savagely suppressed the Gnostics, not least because they did not believe that people needed a middleman between themselves and God. Went down very well with the Christian priests, that one. Hippolytus, an early Christian "father" and historian, wrote that many of the first Gnostics in North Africa were known as the Naaseni or "Serpents" and they worshipped Nahustan, the golden or brazen serpent, the image of whom they displayed on wooden crosses. The Naaseni (Nagas) later became known as the Ophites, a Greek term for serpent. The Greeks said that serpents were creatures of great knowledge, which spoke through their oracles - psychic channellers. In other words, communications from another dimension, or density. The story of Moses contains much serpent symbolism, also."

(both above passages from David Icke's Children of the Matrix. Much of the information can be verified in other sources)

Therefore I'd wager that Lilly is a reference to the serpent cults which go back to the beginning of human civilization and are, in essence, written about in many ancient cultures. Jacob's adopted children is likely the '13th tribe' - Khazarian Jews.

Some have proposed the idea that Trump is the Lion - but I seriously doubt it. The Lion as a representation of the serpent cult of the cabal would suggest to me the lion = reptilians in league with Khazarian Jews (a vast amount of the cabal bloodlines). Lilith - "in Jewish mythology, developed earliest in the Babylonian Talmud (3rd to 5th centuries). Lilith is often envisioned as a dangerous demon of the night, who is sexually wanton, and who steals babies in the darkness. The character is generally thought to derive in part from a historically far earlier class of female demons (lilītu) in ancient Mesopotamian religion, found in cuneiform texts of Sumer, the Akkadian Empire, Assyria, and Babylonia." So Lilith in itself also relates to the 13th tribe, which some historians trace back earlier than the Khazaria period to Sumer and Babylon.

See my recent 4 Part series on Q Anon and why I believe it to be a Zionist psy-op. In it I form the theory that what is happening is a final world war to bring about an end times-like scenario to 'force God's hand', as well as to finally establish the whole 'Eretz Israel'/Greater Israel project. I propose that once 'Eretz Israel' is created, the 'false flag alien invasion' people like Steven Greer have been warning about will occur except it won't be a false flag. The elite have a 'deal with the devil'; the Cabal are in league with reptilians and the 'deal' is the total enslavement of the human race, full and complete with a new world order, but also colonization by negative ET's who will be touted as the Christian second coming of the Messiah, and the Jewish first.

I go into this in my Q Anon theory and, honestly, I think this puzzle is hinting at the same. It's telegraphing the union between the Lion (serpent of the serpent cults = reptilians) and Jacob's adopted children (Khazar Jews). The sword is warfare to bring about the NWO and Eretz Israel. Can't quibble with your version of the eagles, but the Canaanites bit is interesting. Ultimately it's a reference to the Palestine conflict as well. Jacob's adopted children = the false Jews warned of in Revelations 3:9, the synagogue of Satan, etc. Canaanites = the REAL Jews of Israel, who LATER converted to Islam, whom Israel wants to wipe out while selling the world a fake story about the Arab's wanting to wipe Israel out.

If anything I think Cyrus (presumably Cyrus the Great) = Trump. Trump is openly being compared to Cyrus for 'freeing the Jews'. I.e. Trump is giving the Jews (Israel) the wars they need to take down Syria & Iran. Let's face it - all of the war in the middle east that the US has been involved in have been the US fighting Israel's wars. Israel was behind 9/11 (as Christopher Bollyn's research, among others, shows), which kicked off the 'war on terror'. What we are seeing with Syria (and eventually Iran) is a continuation of the plans laid by the Project for the New American Century. Trump has even placed Bolton - one of the directors of PNAC - in a position to carry out these final stages. Trump is going to fulfill the biblical prophecies about the full 'return of the Jews' = Eretz Israel. He will be hailed as the savior of the Jews so although the irony of Cyrus the Great being Persian (i.e. Iranian - one of the targets) is sickening, the comparison as 'savior', the guy 'freeing the Jews' does fit. The merchant of wine would seemingly reference Dionysus/Bacchus the 'Son of God' of Greece and, of course, Christ.

This could be read as suggesting that Christ - the Messiah of the Christians - tempts Cyrus (the 'freer of the Jews' = Trump) to bring about what is described in Revelations to bring about that Christian second/Jewish first coming of the Messiah.

We're being told to expect a new messiah and I maintain it's going to be of an extraterrestrial nature. Everyone's excited about Q Anon and Cicada stopping this insanity and 'saving' us from the Cabal, but it seems to continue playing out with ever increasing fervor in my opinion. If by save us you mean bringing it to attention, sure. If by save us you mean making sure it doesn't take us by surprise, sure. But what are they doing, in real terms, to prevent any of this? Why is everything a trail of breadcrumbs and codes and puzzles? FUCK that. Why don't they just come out with it unless they're specifically trying to have us all wasting the little time we have left chasing shadows while the Cabal draws its plans against humanity?
We're all fucked if the Zionists get what they want. This stuff is leading to the 'absolute despotism' the learned Elders of Zion talk about in the Protocols.


Sounds like your just looking for a handout, that's interesting. Have you thought about how information is accepted by a human? Do you understand that it's already been told but people don't see the truth in it. It's about getting people to think creatively and understand things how they really are.

What have you done?

Well, when it comes to cryptography and the kind of intelligence needed for the cicada puzzles - I admit I'm a dunce. Can't do that shit, and I have tremendous admiration for people (such as yourself) who can roll with that and actually work it out. I'm an ideas man, philosophy, etc. I haven't 'done' anything as elaborate as what cicada are doing. But, to be honest, I have to question the value of it. Yes, the information is technically 'out there'. But it's also actively suppressed. Most people have not one damn clue about these esoteric ideas, or the history of religions, secret societies, occult, etc.
I have to question what the value is in these elaborate puzzles only a few can solve and, then, even once solved, who is finding this information? Who is even able to process the information, let alone think on it critically? I have to say I think for the vast majority of humanity there would be greater value in just coming right out with it. Is that what you meant by 'looking for a handout'? Because, yeah, I think for most people that would be more effective than these pussyfoot puzzles and time wasting. While people like cicada engage intellects and skillsets as sophisticated as yours, the cabal agenda rages steadily forward. More will be achieved by trying to get the maximum number of people acquainted with the knowledge that actually matters in the scheme of this global conspiracy -- because for most people that in itself is a hard enough task. Yes, for inquisitive, investigative minds who are prepared to spend years researching numerous avenues to chip away at the information that leads them to unlocking the chains and freeing themselves from the consciousness prison humanity have been inculcated in, but that's not most people. A vast majority of people need the 'hand out'. So yeah, I'm in favor of that. Because unless a critical mass majority awakens to these realities -- we are ALL fucked.

Who exactly do you think is going to be 'reached' with this information and 'see the truth in it', when it's conducted as an elitist puzzle that only a few people, with certain skills, can even access?

As for me. Yeah, I think about doing more. I currently don't have the technological capabilities to create content, but I'm working on it.

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