What Can We Think Now?

in #church7 years ago

Trying to balance life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness without consciously submitting ourselves to the will of God is like an elephant trying to balance on a basketball. 

It can not be done. They can dunk though!

We think all these "things of the world" will make us happy, but if we are honest with ourselves, we know that relationships hold the most value in this world, not material things. 

Yet, who does not love a new piece of tech or a new toy? 

Truth is, God wants us to have all of these things! BUT he also wants us to SEEK HIM FIRST, ABOVE ALL THINGS, and these worldly things will be added unto you. 

What a great blessing, and in this blessing: trials, tribulations, and rewards. 

Knowing these things one would assume the Christian community would look different today than it actually does. In the pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness (the American dream) the church has almost reached a state of apostasy. 

The "state of apostasy" that I believe the church in our time is heading towards is not far off in the distant one-world future. The universal church is being formed right in front of our eyes. The Pope, a leader in organizing world religion, is openly a false prophet. How much longer is this willed to go on?

Even putting fulfilled prophecy aside, chances are, not that much longer.

With the recent opening of the cryptocurrency floodgate, blockchain tech being the potential/eventual mark of the beast system of control, all Christians should be seeing the signs of the times. And if your not Christian, you need to know that 2000 years ago, before any idea of technology, Jesus taught about this one-world system that would exist in the end times. It would be a system of control. So much so, that if you do not take the mark of the beast you can not buy or sell. This COULD eventually be accomplished with cryptocurrency technology. I AM NOT AGAINST cryptocurrency, just want to be alert, awake, and aware.

Thats not to say to not use the emerging system as a way to profit either. Cryptocurrencies as a system of control are hopefully a long way off! What the world means to use for evil, God can, if he wills, use it for good.

In today's world, you can not keep up. It is easy to get lost in life. Not actually lost, but to the point where worldly life consumes more of your time and energy than spiritual life.

Maybe its time to put off our ideal lives, chasing/enjoying the American dream, and to submit to the perfect and pleasing will of Jesus Christ.  

We very well may be one of the final generations before the return of Christ. 

Upon His return, He will not be looking for big bank accounts or donations, all material possessions will be worthless. He will gather His servants who do the will of the Father, and He will establish His millennial kingdom. 

Are you ready for this day? 

Or are you still trying to be an elephant balancing on a basketball; balancing this world (your goals) and your spiritual world (God's will for you) thinking there is value in both? 

There is only value in Jesus! 

What can we think now?

Now we can think on Jesus and stay the course. Now we can place all our hope in Him. Now we can know He saves us. Now we can stop balancing life and fall at the feet of Jesus, where He will guide us and lead us to everlasting life.


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