To understand what church is, you must first understand what it is not .

in #church7 years ago

Our modern-day understanding of the word church is at best troubling, and at worst flat out wrong. And even sadder, I find that many "church goers" do not have a proper understanding because they have allowed language and culture to dictate meaning instead of basing truth on Scriptures they claim to be divinely inspired.

I would love to hear from people with various viewpoints and worldviews on this topic. As you read this post, please consider the following question:

How would your opinion of church change if you saw a unified group of people sacrificially loving each other (internal) who collectively and genuinely cared for other people (external)?

Some background information

I "grew up in church." The funning thing about the phrase "grew in church" is that it emphasizes regular attendance to weekly events. For me personally, this phrase does not speak to a changed life, accountability, obedience, or living life in community with like-minded people.

When I think back about "church" I realize that for most of my life, I have been an individual who is physically present with other individuals at the same building, listening to the same messages or singing the same songs. But rarely have I felt that I have been unified with those people in vision and purpose. Once the weekly event concludes, we say good-bye until we gather again the next week.


Church is not a once-a-week activity.

Church is not a detailed schedule, a series of well-planned events, or a list of available programs.

Early Christians gathered more than a couple of times a week. They knew that church was not a 2-3 hour event that just happened on Sunday. The New Testament records that they meet daily in each other's homes and shared meals with each other. They sought to live life as a community instead of structuring their lives around well-planned events.

Life as a church should be a bit messy (in my opinion). When someone is changed by Jesus they still battle with the old ways of life. Instead of refined services and elaborate programs, what would happen if the church focused on helping people grow emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually?

  • If someone does not have food, other members of the church step up and give from their abundance.
  • If there is a death of a family member or friend, other members gather to pray, embrace the grieving, and be shoulders to cry on.
  • If someone struggles with addiction, other members provide accountability and stay awake with the addicted through long nights of withdrawals.
  • If someone is hurting and depressed, then others members become a listening ear and provide wise counsel.

This type of life does not happen in a few hours on Sunday. This type of life is an ongoing covenant with other people. It is both sacrificial giving and humble receiving. It is both learning and teaching. It is life well-lived through both struggles and joy.

Church is not the building

Church is not the building where people meet to worship.

The word church (the Greek word ekklesia) originally referred to a group of people who had been called out to live a life that is like Jesus. The original emphasis is on a group of Christ followers. But over time, modern English has assigned a second meaning to the word church - a building where Christians gather.

When the focus of the word church becomes a building, then the responsibility of the called-out ones (ekklesia) is diminished.

I often hear people talk about "going to church." This phrase usually emphasizes a building, the activities, and/or the programs.

I prefer to use the following verb phrases:

  • "Be the church" - This is an acknowledgment of a covenant relationship with other "called-out ones."
  • "Do church life" - This is a commitment to collectively obey the commands of Christ with other Christians.

Final Thoughts

The idea of church is very important to me because I believe that I am supposed to live out my life as an encouragement to others. Admittedly, I have been personally been hurt by fake imitations of church, and I have countless stories of other people who have been hurt as well. But I do not plan on allowing how the word "church" is often (and lived out) used to prevent me from pursuing the true meaning of what church should be.

Thanks for listening! I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments section.

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Very good explanation of what the church should be and what it is not. I have a hard time finding that church that Jesus and his apostles taught of and sacrificed their lives for. Thanks for insight that confirms some things about the church for me.

@ddray, thanks for the comment. I agree that many "churches" are not acting as they should. But I know that life in community with others is possible. I hope that for both you and me.

I have wondered what we would see if we remove all the things we associate with church today and then only add back what we see in Scripture, what difference or similarities would there be? I think we might be shocked!

Well done! Seeing past the forms to the intention the heart of what it's about. Peace friend.

I agree that the forms of church can be many and varied. My family has experienced some of the sweetest fellowship, community, and accountability in house-church. The building is not a concern for me. It is being apart of a body of members with others that I believe is most important.

Peace to you as well.

Christianity is not what it used to be. Many are Christians to because they "grew up in the church". They have failed to see the essence of Christ - the author and finisher of our faith.
Thanks sir for these true words @sumatranate

I think that the essence of Christ is never changing. Now how we do religion has changed over the centuries.

I want this life to be less about what I do, who I am, what church I attended as a child, and more Christ.

We were supposed to be "christians", imitators of christ, Christ like.

Compelled by his love, to love others.
And christianity is not a religion
It is a lifestyle....
Thanks sir

"Church is not the building"
This, soo much this! I grew up with a family that werent the "church type". We didnt go to church every Sunday. We didnt go every holiday. But we spoke to God on our own time. Every day, every night. We showed him through our actions that we were worthy of his love. The "church type" that lived around us were the type that would dress in their Sunday best and look down their noses at the homeless man that would go. My family would stop and pray with this homeless man, buying him dinner and a warm blanket after, this is what we learned from God. This is how he taught us to be.
You dont have to be the "church type" to believe in God and do right by him. You only have to be a good human and thats what I strive to be daily! My family taught me that, not church!

A personal relationship with God is essential. I also believe that gathering with other believers is important. These groups could include close family and friends or large groups of people.

I understand what you mean by "church type." Self-righteousness is wrong, but unfortunately prevalent in our world, both in the "church" and out.

For me, I believe that 1 Corinthians 14 is a major part of what believers gathering together should look like that is almost completely missed by many modern Christians. Interestingly enough, if the chapters are viewed in order, a peculiar picture emerges.

1 Corinthians 12 - "The Spiritual Gift Chapter"
1 Corinthians 13 - "The Love Chapter"
1 Corinthians 14 - "The Church Chapter"

Why? Because to use your spiritual gifts in church (the gathering together of believers) a lot of love will need to be exercised.

We must live life with one another in grace and love. And we do not have to flounder around in our gatherings. Blessed that we are given instructions and structure by which we can use our giftings!

Love this post! I believe God is speaking to many many of his people telling them there is SO much more to Him than sitting in a building and staring at the back of some one's head for 2 hours and leaving till next week. I think technology will bring us together in different ways than the past, but He is definitely leading us to a better way. Christianity is not a sharing of Sundays but a sharing of lives.

I completely agree that we need to live life together more than a few hours a week. I hope that many people will desire for a deeper life with other members of the church.

I like your view of Christianity @sumatranate! The church is not were we worship But as Christians we are the church.

1 Corinthians 6:15 says: Know ye not that your bodies are the members of Christ? shall I then take the members of Christ, and make them the members of an harlot? God forbid.

1 Corinthians 6:20 says: For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.

Jesus is the tree as Christian we are a branch that is why He says any branch that does not bring forth fruit will be cut off.

The word Christian is derived from after the death of Christian meaning: Christ like. Christ was full of love, compassion, mercy we should too as christians. I will welcome any question you will like to ask me brother @sumatranate "blessings".

Thanks for the comment. I agree that we must stop focusing on the building and start focusing on life with each other. Thank you for stopping by.

you're welcome brother @sumatranate! If you like Christian post you can check my blog sometimes.


@sumatranate Sir you have spoken well as you stated earlier church is not a building, we Christians are the church we make up the church. Many Christians are just what I call church goers the fact you were born and bred in the church doesn't make you a Christian. You need to have a personal relationship with Jesus and the person Holy Spirit dwelling in you. The Holy Spirit is our guide and teacher in revealing the deep mystery of the Spirit

Going to church does not make you have a right relationship with God. Only Christ can do that for us.

Thanks for sharing your comment. I appreciate it.

Prayer is a strong wall and fortress of the church it is a goodly christian weapon.A church is a hospital for the sinners not a museum for saints

Great comment!

A church is a hospital for the sinners not a museum for saints

I really like this phrase.

Very thanks for informing us, sir, what is church with detail and
I most of your post like this. Thanks so much...

Thanks for your kind words, @davidshane! I am glad you liked my post.

Thanks, sir I also happy that you like my comment.Thanks very much sir.

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