Life in the earrly church.....

in #church5 years ago (edited)

The early church is a source and stream of expansion of in time of spiritual,finacial, and physical of every church and ministry till date.
In act 2:42 says....
They continued stead fastly in the apostles , doctrine and fellowship and in breaking of bread and in prayers..
This particular verse is making us to understand the rule and regulation that the apostles layed down by God inspiration and as directed by the spirit of God to lead the children of God and church in as a whole, on what God is expecting from everyone (children of God) even as a church,which means every fellowship and doctrines that churches as been using,from the early church till date,were establish by the early apostles through God instructions.
Dynamic of the early church .....
A ... Spiritual Disciplines led to growth...
Looking at the day of pentecost,God poured out his spirit on all the disciple of Jesus who avtually obeyed the gathering according to the instructions given to them and the out pouring of the spirit attract the attension of the crow who had come to jerusalame for the feast of pentecost and peter preach to them and three thousand peoples believed and were baptised,because of peter message due to the out pouring of the spirit of God uponed his life.
And as a christain,it very hard to live in the way that God desired,if you dont read and study the world of God,listen to sermon,attend sundsy school and fellowship gathering because this things played very important role in the early church and church growth.
Looking at the aspect of breaking of bread is one of the area of spiritual discipline that the early church enback on as part of the instructions given to them by christ.
B.... Unity and power (act 4:32-37)
Unity and power really help the early church to experienced wonderful blessing and growth but that does not mean that ,they do not face challenges and part of their challenges is persecution which even still draw them closer to christ instead of making them depart from christ.
There are some characters that is find among and in the life of the early church in time of the spirit of unity...which are...
A.. One heart.....when christ gave them an instruction to wait at the upper room,they were in one accord praying with one mind,one soul and one spirit,they were not double minded and not seperated physically which means everything they were doing was done in oneness.
B.... Sharing caring.....while they were still and after in the upper room ,they share and care for themselve and other as christ as given them the instruction which they keep doing till their death...
So if any church and minstry must grow they must apply the principle of the early church and follow God instruction.

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