Cinders of the Phoenix
It was just a normal day at Grax´s bar; lots of burly bounty hunters were sitting in the bar, drinking and procrastinating when the bar´s door was blew apart by a troop of androids.
“Sovad Grax, you’ve been found to harbor resistance members, you will be taken into custody, resistance is fut…”
The android couldn’t finish the sentence; Grax took out a beautiful black Desert Eagle, a relic from the past, adorned with the hand of a skeleton with the middle finger pointing at the gun’s (front), with the phrase “FUCK YOU” (tallied) on it, and pressed the trigger.
Grax said while looking at the hole where the android had its left eye, now full of hanging cables.
No one knows what became of Grax or all the bounty hunters who were there; the bar just disappeared and all records of the events where labeled as maximum security clearance only. Two Huge bounties were put for the remaining relatives of Grax: Oscar and Olivia.
It was too late, however, Oscar and Olivia had already gone through surgery to remove the brain implant they had received at birth and they were off the system. Under the cover of night they had infiltrated the Artificial Support Center, a building that supposedly gave optimal solutions to human problems but that in reality housed a node of the world’s biggest super computer. This super computer was responsible for the world’s current condition, playing the big companies’ CEOs for fools and using them as puppets.
The scarred black man had gone ahead, using the latest infiltration equipment available in the black market to bypass traditional security measures and subdue the androids through an override of their code. The young blonde woman was covering their tracks while muttering to herself:
“This won’t be in vain, Grax, we will earn humanity’s first victory, so watch over us wherever you are.”
“I’m in position”.
Oscar said through the radio to Olivia.
“Affirmative, we’re clear to begin operation phoenix.”
Olivia replied while closing in on Oscar’s position.
The man had started to set the explosives when the alarm went off and the complex started to begin the security sealing procedure. The SOLEIL supercomputer node had failed to account for human stupidity, but the MARS node hadn’t, and the guards came rushing in.
Oscar grabbed his trusty Gauss rifle and said to Olivia while running towards the incoming enemy force:
“I’ll cover you, finish what we came here to do”
Olivia was finishing the setup of the bomb when a hologram appeared in front of her; it was the materialization of SOLEIL’s will and it spoke:
“Can you hear those screams? If you stop your futile attempt at destroying us, he may yet live.”
Olivia raised the detonator with one hand and raised the middle finger with the other:
“Fuck you”.
She said while pressing the button. It was humanity’s first victory, the cinders of three heroes gave rise to the phoenix inside humanity and thus the war started.
Very nice! looking forward to a continuation of the story
It was a challenge from @chronocrypto to write a flash dystopian setting in 500 words, exactly. I had to take out a lot of descriptions from the original idea and condense the history... I'd really like to write the rest without word restrictions so I can give more life to the world...
Thanks for the comment, appreciate it!
You've Got Writing Talent! Keep it up:)