STOP feeling exhausted and stressed!
Why am I constantly exhausted and stress? Said Gemma my 38-year old female patient, raising two children, working full-time and a single parent. The two symptoms seem to be mutually exclusive these days. Where there's one, there's the other. 'Could this be Adrenal Fatigue', she asked, 'I read about it in a health magasine'. After 3-months on my programme, the anxiety and exhaustion had improved significantly. Next stage, constitutional prescribing - but that's for another blog.
So what is Adrenal Fatigue?
It is a group of symptoms believed to be caused by chronic stress and anxiety. Symptoms include;
Body aches
Unexplained weight gain
Light headedness
Frequent need to urinate - more than previously
Sound familiar?
In every chronic fatigue syndrom and fibromyalgia case I have taken, these symptoms are a constant. Medical science does not recognise adrenal fatigue as an actual syndrome only Addison's Disease, which is a hormone deficiency. However, that does not explain the hype around adrenal fatigue and why so many of those suffering from fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome experience these similar symptoms. Is this a bi-product of chronic stress and anxiety? Is this another example of what was called back in the 80's - yuppie flu? Because lets be honest here, most of us at some point in our lives felt like a hamster in a wheel. That constant repetitive striving to work, provide and try to relax during the short periods of time that we actually can.
We know that the adrenals secrete hormones such as Cortisol & Adrenaline - which are fright and flight hormones produced to signal our body when we are in perceived danger.
What we also know is that over production or these hormones can create our bodies to feel as if we are in a constant state of anxiety and anxiety produces exhaustion. Hence, adrenal fatigue and its connection with pain and exhaustion disorders.
Homeopathic prescribing for Adrenal Fatigue: Carc, Gels, Phos, Calc, Kali-Ar....
5-HTP (5-Hydroxytryptophan) is a staple in my practice. This supplement works on the brain and central nervous system. Recommendations for taking include - exhaustion and sleep disorders, anxiety, migraines, and Fibromyalgia.
I also prescribe to an organ support plan along with a detox to begin to clear the FEAR hormones that are trapped in your body.
Want to know more? Book an appointment NOW for a 30% discount on a 6-week programme offer ends 30th April.