Dear Diary - Put Up Our Christmas Tree & Collected All Our Small Clothes For Charity
Dear Diary,
Today we put up our Christmas tree, a little early maybe as we usually did this on Christmas Eve, but this year we broke the tradition and put it up a little early because everyone else has a Christmas tree already up and my children keep asking "When are we going to put our tree up?" so I gave in!
We also collected all our clothes that are too small for us, that we have outgrown and that are still in very good condition for Caritas (charity). May not be much but we also do this every Christmas as a little show of good will for the season.
and I really do not have any recipe to post today because all I made was a traditional chicken soup and some fried chicken with a salad on the side.
The day went past very quickly and I have just put the children to bed, will be on Skype soon with Jack as soon as I finish everything for tomorrow.
Maybe because it is Monday it seemed like a very busy day!
Good Night to everyone,
Thank you for reading.