happy new year 2018.

in #christmas7 years ago

The New Year approached,so let's talk about "Christmas".

1-Santa Claus / Father Christmas in different Countries:

 Although Santa Claus/Father Christmas is the best known Christmas gift  bringer, there are many different present givers in different countries  around the world. Santa's also called different things in different  countries! Here are some of them! 

  • Afghanistan: Baba Chaghaloo
  • Albania: Babadimri
  • Armenia: Gaghant Baba / Kaghand Papa (Father Christmas or Father New Year)
  • Austria: Christkind (a little angel like person)
  • Azerbaijan: Şaxta baba (Grandfather Frost)
  • Belgium: Sinterklaas/St. Niklaas (Flemish) or Saint Nicholas (Walloon) & Père Noël (Father Christmas)
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina: Djeda Mraz (Grandfather Frost)
  • Brazil: Papai Noel (Father Christmas) & Bom Velhinho (Good Old Man)
  • Bulgaria: Дядо Коледа / Dyado Koleda (Grandfather Christmas)
  • Chile: Viejito Pascuero (Christmas old man)
  • China: Sheng dan lao ren (Traditional: 聖誕老人, Simplified: 圣诞老人; means Old Christmas Man)
  • Columbia: Niño Dios (Baby Jesus)
  • Costa Rica: Niño dios (Child God, meaning Jesus) & Colacho (another name for St. Nicholas)
  • Croatia: Djed Božičnjak (Grandfather Christmas)
  • Czech Republic: Svatý Mikuláš (St. Nicholas) and Ježíšek (the Christ child)
  • Denmark: Julemanden (Christmas Man)
  • Ecuador: Papa Noel
  • Egypt: Baba Noël
  • Estonia: Jõuluvana (Yule Elder)
  • Ethiopia: Amharic: Yágena Abãt (Christmas Father)
  • Finland: Santa Claus (well he does live in Lapland in Finland!) or Joulupukki
  • France: Père Noël (Father Christmas)
  • Georgia: თოვლის ბაბუა, თოვლის პაპა / Tovlis Babua, Tovlis Papa (Snow Grandfather)
  • Germany: Weihnachtsmann (Christmas Man) & Christkind (a little angel like person)
  • Grecce: Aghios Vassilis / Άγιος Βασίλης (Saint Basil)
  • Haiti: Tonton Nwèl
  • Holland: Sinterklaas (St. Nicholas) & Kerstman (Christmas Man)
  • Hungary: Mikulás (Nicholas) & Télapó (Old Man Winter)
  • Iceland: Jólasveinn (Yule Man) & Jólasveinarnir (The Yule Lads)
  • India:  Hindi: Christmas Baba, Urdu: Baba Christmas (Father Christmas), Telugu:  Thatha (Christmas old man), Tamil: Christmas Thaathaa, Marathi: Natal  Bua (Christmas Elder Man)
  • Indonesia: Sinterklas
  • Iran: Baba Noel
  • Iraq: Baba Noel / Vader Kersfees
  • Ireland: San Nioclás' (Saint Nicholas) & Daidí na Nollag (Father Christmas)
  • Italy: Babbo Natale (Santa Claus) or La Befana (an old woman) or The THree Kings (parts of northern Italy)
  • Japan: サンタさん、サンタクロース santa-san (Mr Santa) & Hoteiosho (A Japanese god of good fortune - not really related to Christmas)
  • USA: Santa Claus
  •  Hawaii: Kanakaloka 
  • United Kingdom: Father Christmas (inter-changeable with Santa Claus), Wales: Siôn Corn (Chimney John) 

2- Origins of Christmas:

3- Christmas Traditions Past and Present:

I wish the best for you in 2018.

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