in #christmas7 years ago

We all love the holiday season, and most especially Christmas. a fondness for tradition, an excuse to be part of a communal experience.... and now our kids delight in the decorating, the tree, the music, the lights. As far as my agnostic soul is concerned, the month December is one great big interfaith solstice celebration.

we’ve realized that much of what we love about the season comes with anticipation of the Big Day, especially our beloved advent calendar. This also means that if all that happens on the Big Day is presents, then no matter how restrained we’ve been in our creations/purchases or how studiously we’ve avoided the shopping malls, then we’ve nonetheless just taught our kids that the Christmas gift exchange is itself worth a month’s worth of ramp up.


Another common Yule activity among neo-pagans involves decorating outside trees with strings of popcorn and pine cones covered in peanut butter and bird seed. To add an element of impishness and old celebrating spirit, decorate your whole neighborhood.


Among the meaning-minded who aren’t headed to church, volunteering on Christmas is becoming something of a tradition. There are many options: special dinners, gift programs for homeless, handicaps, widow & widower, poor kids. On the other hand

“The difference between rich and poor", said Francie, "is that the poor do everything with 

their own hands and the rich hire hands to do things.”
Betty Smith, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

“What is honour, my dear, when you have nothing to eat?” 
       Fyodor Dostoyevsky

“Our highest deeds come from helping the lowest people.” 
       Matshona Dhliwayo

So lets help the needy.


What better way to acknowledge the holiday’s pagan roots, celebrate the returning light, and set a mystical atmosphere over the whole day than to get up for sunrise?


Just Before it was tamed into nuclear-family Santa-worship, Christmas was a holiday of heavy partying.

which involved going from door to door demanding food and booze from the rich folks in exchange for songs and plays whether you're welcome or not, but if you’re a singer and know a few others nearby, celebrate more decorous cousin caroling can be a delightful way to spread the Christmas spirit after the wrapping paper has come off. In the colder climes, bring a thermos of hot tea or cocoa.


One way to make Christmas feasting looks very special is pick one or two traditional foods that you wouldn’t have any other time of year. for instance, mincemeat pies, chestnuts, plum pudding, roast goose, as for the African dishes, let me mention, Pounded Yam, coconut-rice.

So here you are on Christmas afternoon, hopefully all together and with some time on your hands. You could all disappear into your new books/video games, but you could also make it special by picking something to do together that you only do on Christmas. The ritual recitation of How the Grinch Stole Christmas? The whole family watching your favorite Christmas movie together? Time to actually play a complete game of Monopoly, scramble, Ayo.

This is already part of many families’ Christmas days, and rightly so. Throw in a surprise call to someone who really wasn’t expecting it.

                                #PLACES TO CELEBRATE


Home is always the best place for every Christmas celebration! When all the family members gather themselves together, we feel that special connection, we feel the essence of being home! What’s more, you can make all your family members get involved in social community work, such as making homemade food together and donate it to the NGOs or homeless people. I guarantee this way can be a meaningful Christmas celebration!


Celebrating the holiday season on the beautiful beaches is a great idea for the whole family. The kids will definitely enjoy playing in the water while you and your significant other can enjoy a romantic candlelit dinner by the shore. And on Christmas day, you can even have a barbecue feast while sipping some ice-cold beer or wine. while playing music and taking pictures.
Things needed..
Sunblock lotion – Make sure to apply skin protection every time you go out or especially when spending time at the beach.

Gifts- Exchange gifts with your friends or loved ones and have fun guessing what’s inside the box.

Hand towels and beach towels – if you’re travelling with kids and toddlers, so you need towels to keep them dry and clean all the time.

Swimsuits – you’ll be going to the beach so you need your swimsuits.

Sunglasses – to keep you protected from the sun and at the same to help you stay fashionable in your holiday getaway,

Hats – another accessory that will keep you in style during your Christmas holiday in the beach is a hat.

Camera – you should bring your camera with you. This is to capture those once in a lifetime moments with your family. Make every moment count and don’t forget to take lots of pictures!


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The Obudu Ranch Resort is one of the wonders of Nigeria and arguably the best vacation spot for anyone aspire to enjoy a holiday in an environment that offers you a perfect blend. it is Located along the Shooting Range New Extension, this is indeed the most visited place during celebrations such as Christmas.

If you haven't seen mountain ranges before, you should visit Obudu Cattle ranch for an amazing holiday in Nigeria. Seeing the sights in real life will make your holiday more fulfilled. The attraction is popular for its natural wonders, cable cars and amazing outdoor activities.

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As a country with part of the history from UK, South Africa keeps its Christmas tradition every year. On Christmas day, South African people like to visit family and friends or possibly go for a trip into the countryside to have a swim. The way they celebrate Christmas with outdoor activities can definitely make you change your way of Christmas celebration with family!

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If i may ask why Finland? Because this is where Santa Claus came from. There is a exhibition park in Finland called Santa Claus Village, which looks extremely like the fairy tales. the Santa Claus is always a fantasy in our childhood memory, and Finland is always a great place you can travel to for you to spend Christmas with your family in order to revive the old days memory.

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