As the hour for singing the songs of Christmas fades, something occurs to me.

in #christmas3 years ago


In Isaac Watts' 1719 Christmas hymn, "Joy to the World", in which Watts borrows and modernizes a piece of Genesis and of the 98th Psalm, he repeats often in his multi voice melody, "and Heaven and nature sing".

Music is from God, a part of His wondrous and unimaginable creativity, which is why it "sooths the savage breast" and so forth. It's part of Creation itself. The greatest music of multiple millennia is Christian-inspired. Music is part of His story. Heaven sings that Christ is born, but... nature sings too.

So why did my bells ring when I listened to heaven and nature singing? Because God and nature are considered solidly linked, two sides of the same system, by other people than great composers or the patriarchal Jewish writers.

Namely the Founders.

Jefferson wrote in the Declaration --

"When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's god entitle them..."

This is the document that explains the truth about human beings, that we are made by God and given rights. We have the right not to be killed by our government (right to life). We have the right not to be enslaved by our government (right to liberty). We have the right to pursue happiness (the right to be free of government restraint or force regarding choices and life paths).

And this is the document that PREDATES the founding, the ratification of the constitution, the beginning of our new federal government, by decades. There is no US government when Jefferson writes. But we people already have rights, and government is not permitted to do harm to them. We the people have the right, as Jefferson said, to assume the powers of the earth and the separate but equal station to which the laws of nature and nature's GOD entitle us.

Nature, and nature's God, are causative and probative. They are the self-evident truths.

Religion is not, for them, just a consideration of the mind or soul. It is the cause of everything, similar to (but much more than) the "force" of the Star Wars universe.

Nature, and nature's God. The God who MADE nature, and music, and people. And Heaven and nature sing, indeed. Because they are both imbued with the music that God creates at each moment of forever.

The birth of our Savior is a lynchpin in the long complicated story of God's creation of us, and how He deals with the grief we give Him, how He restores hope for us. As Heaven and nature were in on that great plan, so they are in on America too.

Until we finally and completely reject Him, anyway. There is a lot of that talk in the media, but I'm pretty sure the general public isn't nearly as far down that road of rejection as the left would like us to be.

Joy to the world. Let Heaven and nature sing, indeed. God blessed the world with a Savior, and to a lesser extent He blessed them with ourselves.

Not trying to compare America to Jesus, folks. Just pointing out that nature sings when Heaven sings. It is a more consistent theme than most people realize. Nature is from God, and that is why she sings when Heaven does.

It's all part of the plan. ❤

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