Formula Describes Ball Earth, BUT it Does NOT WORK!

in #christianity6 years ago (edited)

fe niagra.jpg

Math PROVES we do NOT Live on a Ball! Earth is FLAT!

8 inches per miles squared is the ACCEPTED formula that describes a ball earth, the only problem is, it does not work when tested in the physical world. The problem is obvious when you look at large mountains from a long distance and realize you should not be able to see them due to the EXPECTED earth curvature..

mount fe.jpg


This one too...


Watch russianvids on youtube- he's awesome.

Brainwashed at age 5 with the globe in indoctrination centers.

How does GPS work if the world is flat? The GPS satellites must not be orbiting around the flat earth? Celestial navigation must not work either if the world was flat. Why can't we see the Southern Cross in the Northern Hemisphere if it is flat?

You ever wonder why we need all those towers? Why are there dead zones for cell phone reception if there are satellites. Why are there TONS of undersea cables if we have thousands of satellites in the sky?
How do these satellites get refueled, what about maintenence, how do they re orient themselves to the earth? They are fake, nothing is p there.

Many undersea cables have been there long before satellites. Solar helps power satellites. They are controlled remotely from ground stations. Several places on earth must have fake ground stations to make this magic happen.

So every single satellite is SOLAR powered? GTFO. Why did they not use solar than for the ISS to power it, the ISS supposedly gets refueled a few times a year . NOTHING ADDS UP. The ground stations could certainly be fake, how would any of the controllers know they were just playing a game? Do/Did THEY go up in space? Nope Almost every astroNOT is a Free mason:

More importantly are the 100's of videos that show the deceit of NASA in plain daylight, its just very very very hard to accept that its true. you have heard the saying the truth hurts, its TRUE lol! Peace

That article you linked too is just for the electronics (which seems super shady also-batteries in such tough environment would degrade quickly, especially the old tech), how about the FUEL needed to re orient themselves lol. I guess they have "magic never run out fuel" and a magic orientation that is perfect 100% of the time, good story!

Seriously, try and act like you do not trust them at all and read their stories and watch their videos nd you will see and hear things that are IMPOSSIBLE. They are not in space, 99%.

100% for REAL. I thought this stuff was stupid at first also, pretty much EVERYONE does. Watch the first vid.

How do drones have such pinpoint accuracy if they don't use satellites? They are not using Loran navigation.

If a "satellite" miles up in space could get info to a drone flying above a spinning ball, I am pretty sure they could figure out how to do it on a flat earth without as much hassle... I have no idea except that satellites are CRAZY complicated- too complicated for 99.9 % of the population and that is why it is possible it is all just a LIE.

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