Prov 15vs4. Mind What You Say With Your tongue is a tree of life:

in #christianity7 years ago (edited)

Dear Beloved Of God.

Your actions today is depending on the type of Words you are hearing, the type of Words you are hearing effective your spirit either positive or negative. Prov15:4

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A Christian is a tree of righteousness then God expects you to produce fruits of healing for people to come to you and you use your tongue and heal them, but when you start talking all kinds of negative words you destroy life's you destroy your wife, children, yourself and even destroy the church of God. That is why you need to be careful of what you are saying with your mouth, because nobody can say negative words against the body of Christ and go free is impossible.

Listen that you are in this world doesn't make you a natural person, you are a supernatural person functioning in the natural world, and if you don't take time the natural world will convert you out of God's plan and register you with the world. Job19:2

You can't live by Grace and suffer no that's not God, you can't live by Grace and suffer disgrace and shame is not possible you can't live by Grace and end up in grave.

Every bad thing is from Satan and every Good thing comes from God.

Anyone that is sick physical, is sick first spiritually Sin & sickness are spiritual sin was the cause of sickness, the moment the inside is neat automatically the outside will be neat, the Word of God is a spirit and Jesus said the word that I Speak unto you the are Spirit and Life so the moment the word of God gets hold of your Spirit your human recreated Spirit will absorb that word automatically the registers Life and that life is called mapeal and mapeal kills every diseases inside your spirit if your spirit is unable to absorb the Word of God you become sick first inside than manifest outside, so get first the Word of God and the Word of God will cleans every parts purifiers your blood & systems than registers God's Word Elements in your Spirit than sickness as no place to stay.

When the Word of God comes to you just take it dont judge it with what is inside your heart,
Why some Christians sometimes don't get healed some people says that no one can Stop God I said to you you lie you can stop what God said about you but you can't stop what God said about me am the one to stop what God said about me not you mark7:13 through your tradition you can make the word of God none effective in your life, what are the tradition? Tradition is what is giving to you to keep. A day is coming when people will look for this word of God they will not find it.

The Word Of God is Here waiting for a believer to act and the Arm of the LORD Will be Reviewed empower him/her listen to me any of you here who is sick sorry for you, how can you become sick on the beautiful gate? How can someone be on this miniserie where the word of God is Following every day you are spending money on necessary (I John Wisdom) recuse to be Sick in Life, what is tradition it may hatred that may be holding you from following.

Make sure you don't be friend anyone who has nothing to do with the Word of God Christianity is You and God on the last day I will stand before God and give account of myself, before devil deceives someone he has first deceives that person before using that person to deceive another person shine your eyes.

The reason why people die is this prov13:13 they despise the Word of God and the are destroyed and perish john3:16 Jesus said you have been made whole sin no more or worse thing will happen to you, if you don't have anything to do with the Word of God leave God.

Isa50:4- when you are learned your tongue becomes impacted but if you are not learn your tongue becomes empty, you can never know if you fell to learn is only when you learn then you know how to speak, I can never be sick in life, my Spirit is sound, am healthy, effective and vibrant in the Name Of Jesus the Word of God is walking in my Spirit in my Soul in my mind and the Power of God's Word has come to registere Life in my Spirit.

You are a Spirit having the Spirit of the Word of God in your heart as you learn and study the Word of God, the Lord gives you revelation knowledge in your Recreated Human Spirit and your tongue speaks it out.

The devil has no power but when you give him chance he takes youe power and keep you down.

Every morning don't allow traditional prayer to make you traditional Christian Joh3:16 Rom5:5 the moment you believe the love of God is transferred in your heart 1Joh3:1, For God wants you to see the functions ability of that Love in your heart I am the beloved of God I am loved by God if God loves me devil you can't do me again thing if God loves me I don't care who hates me if God Loves me I am somebody in the side of God.

When killing disease comes say no I refuse to be killed by you life will come that sickness disappear, thank you Father the word said whosoever beliveth should not is an other.

For the Bible Says No weapon from against us should ever prosper, is not an empty talk is God Talking not man when you don't know who you are, you allow nonsense to mess you up my dear you are too big for the devil to handle we are terrors.

Prov15:23- a man has joy by the answer of his mouth, Learn how to speak the right words in due session, I am a Child of God, born of God to function in God's divine element my Spirit has the nature of God the nature of God can never be sick the nature of God can never be weak by his I am healed, I refuse to perish in life I have eternal life eternal life has God's nature eternal life has God's Power eternal life has God's riches eternal life is above the devil therefore as a child of God, I declare I refuse to die I am strong forever and ever Amen.

Prov18:14, Heb1:1 - - - the Power of the Word of God upholds you, you can never fall sick
(Number one words that kills right words is tradition.
(Number two words that kills right word is wrong words.
Job22:29- when they says Nigeria is in trouble, you will say my own world is the best, when the says no one is healthy I will say I am the only healthy person, when you say what God said about you, you in proofs your vocabulary, I am a success.

**Keep Your Hope Alive And Never Lose Your Faith. **

I Love You All...

*Follow Me @wisdombtc


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