in #christianity7 years ago

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How often we hear the lord's prayer sung in christian ceremony... Weddings, funerals, house warmings, baby blessings, banquet, festivals... You name it. How often do you recite the Lord's prayer in the order of worship at church or to yourself out loud or in your mind? Is this prayer just good-sounding words of familiar rhetoric that we use for our convenience? Or does it have potent power to change our lives?

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The Lord's prayer have everything a prayer should have:

Our father in heaven hallowed be your name.

-We open the Chanel of communication for walking into the presence of God. We honor his name as holy reverent.

Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

-We establish the priority that God's kingdom will prevail as we pray for his perfect will be done in our lives.

Give us this day our daily bread.

-We acknowledges God as the provider and everything else as his provision.

Forgive us our debt as we forgive our debtors.

-We are assured that when we repent of our sins, forgiveness is granted by God. Likewise, we must forgive.

Do not lead us into temptation, bit deliver us from the evil one.

-We recognize that God has the authority over the devil and evil.

For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.

-We proclaim that our joy, hope, strength, and faith are printed on our hearts as we give continual praise to the lord.


-We proclaim one of the names of the sovereign God who has sealed his love for us, his concern for our welfare, and his deliverance in our time of need with his own personal signature.
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