What does the Bible say about the dead? - Part 3
What does the Bible say about the dead? - Part 3
In "Part Two" of this series we covered:
- The dead in Christ will be resurrected when Christ returns.
- Gods judgment will occur when He returns.
- Ghosts are not the spirits of dead people, they are demons.
- Our souls are not immortal.
- Souls are not something that can exist outside of our bodies.
- The Spirit is the breath of God, which is what the body needs to have a soul.
You Can't take anything with you after you die.
Therefore, while we have breath, invest in heavenly treasures by:
- Studying the Bible and obeying Gods word.
- Praying.
- Witnessing and doing good to others.
There are no "Second Changes" after death.
- Catholics believe if you have some sin remaining in you that prevents you from going to heaven, you go to "Purgatory" where you will be "purified" and then go to heaven.
- You will die only once before Gods judgment. His reward will happen when He returns.
Death is not the end.
- Jesus, who took our punishment, gives us this great hope that when He returns His reward is eternal life with Him for all eternity.
- Heaven will be so beautiful and amazing that it's not even close to our greatest imaginations!
- Jesus Himself is preparing this place for us and His greatest desire is to be with us!
Let’s summarize what we read.
- You can't take anything with you when you die.
- There are no second chances to "get it right."
- Death is not the end, but the beginning if a new life with Christ!

I think as Christians we tend not to talk as much about this topic as we should. It's something I think about a lot. Thanks for this content I hope to be starting to get some up myself also very soon. God Bless
I think it’s extremly important because it allows the Devil an avenue to deceive us. Imagine the spirits of your loved one telling you it doesn’t matter how you live your life, you’ll still go to heaven. Now you’ll feel it’s ok to sin because it doesn’t matter. The Devil will take every opportunity to separate you from God.
Great post! I appreciate the time it must have taken for you to get accurate scripture on this subject. In addition to appreciating the subject of your post, I also like the graphics and how it looks like pages that have been high lighted :-) I'm not the best with graphics so I admire when others are.
Speaking of high-lighting, I think it's great that you are shedding light on this subject, as others have commented that this is not a topic that apparently a lot of Christians are familiar with, and it can be detrimental if misunderstood. I cannot tell you how many times I have heard people being confused and emotionally distraught because they truly believed that a "ghost" or "spirit" of their dead Aunt or granny or whatever was supposedly trying to communicate with them. The Bible IS very clear about the state of the dead and it behooves us to become familiar with Bible truths.
Keep on with pointing out truths @truth-be-told ;-)
This post has received a 11.15 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @truth-be-told.
you truly gave a correct fact about death,exactly so, yo7 can visit jw.org for more info
Thanks, I'm sure there's a lot of sincere God loving people in the Jehovah's Witness church...but I'll stick with the Bible. The Jehovah's Witnesses have some doctrinal beliefs which contradict the Bible itself. Which is why they had to rewrite the Bible into their own version.
Our new world translation,is not different form other bibles ,it's version is aimed at simplifying the English of the Bible and other translation also it restores the name of God back to its place
Hi @whitestallion, I'm afraid that the translation of JW Bible diverges too much from the "textus receptus" or "the received text" on which the KJV is based on. These changes are significant enough that it absolutely distorts the truth of the Bible. Therefore, it is in no way the same as the KJV.
It's certain you haven't made the comparison,you soea* out of ignorance make a proper comparison,its translati9n is based on the septaguint
I'll add this to my list of posts that I'll write about. Would be interesting to see what are the differences between the two versions and the story of how the JW version came about.
I look forward to it eagerly,keep steeming bro.you can check out my blog