The Occult Connections to the United Nations - Part 3

in #christianity7 years ago (edited)

Continuing from Part 2...

Sri Chinmoy:

  • United Nations "Chaplain" until his death on October 2007.
  • Indian spiritual leader who taught meditation in the West after moving to New York City in 1964.[2]
  • Began giving twice-weekly non-denominational peace meditations at the United Nations for UN delegates, staff, and NGO representatives. [3]

Sri Chinmoy and his views on Occultism:

Occultism can be something dynamic or aggressive, something divinely powerful or divinely arrogant, or one-pointed like a spear. Occultism can be black magic of the worst sort. Again, the highest kind of occultism can be used for a divine purpose. [5]

Black magic, which is occultism in the lowest vital plane, is nothing but dreadful poison.[6]

Now if you follow the path of Kundalini Yoga, easily you can develop these occult powers. But for that you have to be extremely pure, pure, pure. Your name should be nothing else but purity. When you develop occult powers and you are all purity, in your outer life and in your inner life, then occult powers are a blessing. Otherwise, occult powers are a veritable curse. So I wish all of you to go deep within and offer your love, devotion and surrender to the Supreme.[7]

Takeaways from his views on Occultism:

  • Just like with the philosophy is "Ying Yang", you can use these mystical powers for good or evil. He is a proponent of using it for the "good" and warns about the use of black magic.
  • Through the use of Kundalini Yoga you can develop occult powers.
  • You need to surrender to this spirit.

If it's not clear, let me be blunt. This man wants you to become demon possessed in order to receive these powers. You need to give up your "self" or empty your self. Become an empty vessel to allow this spirit to come in.

Sri Chinmoy states,

"The United Nations is not a thing to appreciate, admire or adore. Rather, it is the way, the way of oneness, that leads us to the Supreme Oneness. It is like a river flowing toward the source, the Ultimate Source.." [4]

Laurel Wreath symbolism:

The Laurel Reef was a symbol of all the ancient deities. "The circular shape signifies eternity, completeness, perfection, wholeness, but also the time and sky." [10] The circle is a universal symbol of unity, wholeness, spirit, various goddesses and female power. It represents the Mother Earth (Mother Nature)and the sacred space. [11] "One of the most popular types of wreaths is a laurel wreath. Romans took it over from the Greek tradition. It is a symbol of peace, eternity, victory, unrequited love and the supreme ruler. The highest medal was the Corona Triumphalis, wreath or crown made of laurel leaves, which was granted by the Senate, to victors coming back from wars." [12] For Romans it was specially referred to celebrate the victory. [13] "Laurel wreath represented the medium through which divine power was transferred." [14]

Symbolically, it would appear as though Rome is claiming victory over Earth and Rome as the supreme ruler.


Organizations Leading The Way Toward Global Government

  • The United Nations
  • The Council on Foreign Relations
  • The Trilateral Commission
  • The Bilderberger Group
  • The Gorbachev Foundation
  • The Club of Rome

"The World Constitution and Parliament Association (WCPA) has pulled together a draft of a constitution for World Government,"..."Officially, it is know as 'A Constitution for the Federation of Earth.'" [15]

For the next post, Part 4, I will talk about the methods they mention they will use to bring about their agenda.

If you missed it, catch up on the previous posts

Part 1: Early "Movers and Shakers" of the UN

Part 2: The Occult Influencers of the UN


[1] Image: Sri Chinmoy
[2] "Hindu of the Year: Sri Chinmoy clinches 1997 'Hindu Renaissance Award'". Hinduism Today. December 1997. pp.34–35. Retrieved 2 December 2016.
[3] Rebidoux, Michelle. "Cultivating the Life of Divinity: The Consecrated Lifestyle of the Sri Chinmoy Centres of Canada". In: Understanding the Consecrated Life in Canada: Critical Essays on Contemporary Trends, Jason Zuidema, editor. Wilfrid Laurier Univ. Press, 2015. GoogleBooks pt. 407.
[4] The United Nations as an instrument of human unification [Dag Hammarskjold Lecture Series]
[5] Obedience: A Supreme Virtue
[6] Ibid
[7] Ibid
[8] Image: Sun God in Laurel Reef
[9] Image: UN Logo
[10] RELIGION AND TOLERANCE: Journal of the Center for Empirical Researches on Religion. Ministry of Education and Science Office for Cooperation with Churches and Religious Communities. p. 342-344.
[11] Ibid
[12] Ibid
[13] Ibid
[14] Ibid
[15] Image: Laurel Wreath

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I liked this topic

Glad you like it!

Wow! Wonderful reseach! Thanks for sharing. God bless. Follow you

Thanks, it takes a bit to write each one of these. Keep tuned for Part 4!!!

Yes, looking forward!

I appreciate you for this post. thanks for this post.

Thanks for dropping by!

Another great and well-researched post! I came across the occult connection to myrtle wreaths in my studies on Benjamin Franklin and Freemasonry. Somehow I'd missed the myrtle wreaths on the UN emblem. I suppose I may have mistaken these for olive branches (as in the Great Seal of the United States).

I'm really interested in checking out the Dag Hammarskjold lecture series as well. Thanks for sharing that resource.

Your comments on the UN as a mechanism for unity intrigued me. E. Pluribus Unum- "Out of Many, One" is a doctrine common to the occult. The devil really does have a plan to create a world government and to try to usurp God's rightful reign.

Benjamin Franklin was a rather occult guy. When they looked at his home in England, they found thousands of bones hidden. I don't think that was for his roommate studying for medical school.

I really think the UN is going to be one of the vehicle the Beast system is going to use to fulfill his agenda.

That's the same conclusion I reached while reading Franklin's autobiography. It seems his JUNTO is how the Deep State operates today. I share that thought about the UN being a vessel of the Beast, too.

wow..beautiful article,,,excellent photograph my dear [email protected] you for sharing with us..

Thanks, glad you liked it. Working on Part 4 today :-)

That quote from the "chaplain" was super scary, actually. Seems hard to believe that they had someone like that.

Yeah, it's definitely odd. But they all have one theme, which is "Oneness." This theme completely excludes Christians because we don't believe in being "One" with other religions.

You've done great job! Keep up posting

Haha! Thanks, I'm working on Part 4.

Let's see on that

Good job dude. Continue your work. Good luck! Upvote for You

Thanks, appreciate that!

Really good post! Thanks for sharing

Glad you appreciated it :-)

Wow! I really appreciate your post. Very good!

Thanks, glad you liked it!

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