Why Is It So Hard For Some To See The Truth: The Nature of a Lie

in #christianity7 years ago (edited)


The layers of deception that have plagued our world are nearly impossible to peel back entirely. However daunting this might be though, it must be attempted. Throughout history there has always been a war on something. The longest standing “war” has been the war on Truth or against Truth. All arguments can be summed up into lies versus truths. At the basis of all things wrong or evil there is a lie lingering. At the basis of a truth there is The Truth, from which all truth must stem from in order to be a truth. In a truth there can not be any remnants of a lie or else it fails to lead a person to The Truth. The greatest and well mastered lies are the ones with a piece of truth wrapped up in them. This is an important note to understand as it will be a highlight of this post.

I think everyone can agree that there are more lies being mainstreamed through our society then truths. This is very evident in the advertisement and marketing world. I would claim that almost everyone living today was raised by a lie in some form or fashion, I will even go so far as to say that over 75% of what we have learned growing up and continue to learn today is based on lies. Lies have become so intertwined with everything and that this has caused people to become desensitized. People have become complacent with the lies all around them because it is too exhausting to face them anymore. This exhaustion is real and felt in the body and the spirit.

Lets quickly examine what exactly a lie is. A lie is born out of the intention to deceive or lead astray another person or group of persons. This is often done to gain wealth and/or power. Lies are the strongest weapon of any nation and of any army. A successful war tactic has always been to set up a decoy in order to deceive the opponent so that you might get the upper hand and overcome them.

The greatest and most believable lies are the ones with a dose of truth attached to them. There is something inside the human spirit that can detect a blatant lie or evil intent. The most promising lies are the ones that surround themselves with little truths, such as;

Helping the sick
Curing diseases
Helping the children
“Free” anything & everything
For the greater good

Now these all sound wonderful but are too often empty words used to pass legislation and receive donations. In this age of technology we have seen so much information become available. This has caused a great deal of lies and truths to be shared around the world. However it is becoming very evident that whoever owns the technology will control what is shared around the world. If you are a Truth seeker then you know exactly the type of censorship occurring.

The very fact that lies do exist is evidence that truths exist. There can also be no truths without a single Truth. In order for things to be true they have to come from a source, The Truth. The same can be said about lies. A lie does not just exist, it must be created with intent. With that being said lies can be traced back to a liar.

In simple terms there is a Truth and there is a Liar. For the purpose of this post we will examine this Liar or Deceiver. Remember a lie is made to deceive, so a liar is in fact a deceiver.

We are living in the age of the deceiver. This deceiver is luring in people with a multitude of lies to keep them from ever arriving at the Truth. You would be wrong to assume that a lie would be uncomfortable and powerless. They are designed to lure you away from truths and they will appeal to your emotions and pleasure seeking.

It has become very difficult for many people to see The Truth. These people have built their lives, careers, faith and personality on various lies. When those lies are exposed by truth it threatens the very core of their existence. If you feed a person a lie long enough they will hold onto that lie, not because they think it is the supreme truth but because without it their lives would crumble all around them.

The deceiver knows the power of easing people into relying on lies to build their lives. By intertwining a persons existence with a lie, you create mutual assurance. This means that a person will likely defend a lie till death because they are also defending themselves.

Some people carry around more lies then others and this could be why it is easier for some to give up lies and pursue Truth. We can never know the types or amount of lies an individual has built their lives on.

When you are sharing a truth with someone you have to find common ground. Get them to share with you a lie they uncovered and how they uncovered it. Then you can try connecting the two to get them to entertain the idea that what they think might be true could very well be a lie.

I have learned that those who are deceived often play defense and defend their position when it is threatened. Those seeking Truth often play offense and go out into the world to share truths and expose lies. If you have ever tried to debate a deceived person you will know what I am talking about. They become very defensive and take what is said personally.

I sincerely hope this helps some to see why others find it difficult to see anything but the lies they have been fed from an early age. Some people have become so comfortable with lies and darkness that even after seeing the Truth they will continue in their darkness. The power of deception can not be overstated.

The moral to this post is that we must all trace everything back to its purpose. Is it designed to bring about wealth or power? Is it designed to bring forth fruits of righteousness and joy?

Share this with anyone who needs encouragement or understanding.

I plan to elaborate more on this subject and look forward to your comments!

As always you can follow us at The Health Plunge and Health War, follow us on Facebook and look us up by our websites ( healthwar.org & thehealthplunge.com)

Until next time,

Patrick from The Health Plunge

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If you have ever tried to debate a deceived person you will know what I am talking about. They become very defensive and take what is said personally.

And they often end the debate with "You just don't understand natural law".

Yes the infamous deflection of attention. They quickly deflect the attention back onto you. The Truth hurts and they have to push blame else where to ensure their mental and emotional survival. Its instinct at the core.

Curated for #informationwar (by @truthforce)
Relevance: Fight For Truth
Our Purpose

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