Demystifying The Bible Series (Pt 2) - HISTORY

in #christianity7 years ago (edited)

 ....Continued from Part 1

About 200 years before, in 1300 AD, a man by name John Wycliffe, who was well-known throughout Europe for his opposition to the teaching of the organized church which he believed to be contrary to the Bible, lead the world out of the DARK AGE resulting in the foundation of the PROTESTANT REFORMATION which will later by championed by Martin Luther

The mission of the 1300 AD PROTESTANT REFORMATION was simple: 

getting the Word of God back into the hands of the masses in their own native language so that the corrupt church would be exposed and the message of salvation in Christ alone, by scripture alone, through faith alone would be proclaimed again  

This crusade led to the first hand-written English language Bible manuscripts in 1380 AD by John Wycliffe, an Oxford professor, scholar, and theologian. After the death of Wycliffe, one of his followers, John Hus, actively promoted Wycliffe’s ideas: that people should be permitted to read the Bible in their own language. John Hus was burned at the stake in 1415, and these were his last words: 

in 100 years, God will raise up a man whose calls for reform cannot be suppressed

 Almost exactly 100 years later, in 1517, Martin Luther nailed his famous 95 Theses of Contention (a list of 95 issues of heretical theology and crimes of the Roman Catholic Church at the time) into the church door at Wittenburg. Martin Luther went on to be the first person to translate and publish the Bible in the commonly spoken dialect of the German people.  

With the invention of the printing press in the 1450’s by Johan Gutenberg, the course of the reformations became a success because Bibles and books could finally be effectively produced in large quantity in a short period. Alas, the locked away Bible has finally be UNLOCKED by God through Martin Luther. 

Nevertheless, the unlocked Bible still remains not so open by the same people it was unlocked for.  

What was so special about the Bible that, it was so much prevented from getting into the hands of the common man, and why did men and women of old gave their lives for it? 

 Don't miss out on the next episode of Demystifying The Bible Series. You will be SHOCKED to the bone.

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The vernacular Bible doesn't get you anywhere if you throw out all the apostolic tradition that comes with it. The reformation was a baby+bathwater situation. There's a lot missing now from mainstream protestant theology.

There is so much missing and it is now time for people to go back to the source of our faith: THE BIBLE itself and pray to God for understanding and revelation.

The Bible is not the source. The Eucharist is the source and summit of the faith. Branches wither and die when they cut themselves off from the Eucharist. It's been 5+ centuries now for some of those branches, and they are in desperate need of the truth. There is a reason Islam is conquering Europe today. Too many people have believed for too long that everyone can discern the truth for himself, abandoning all tradition. I'm serious - the Bible is NOT the source of the faith. Apostolic Tradition (which the Bible is a part of) has much more to offer than just the Bible.

What is the Apostolic Tradition? It is the tradition of men that has made the WORD of God of non-effect (Matthew 15:6). The basis of our faith is not the Eucharist, but rather the UNADULTERATED WORD of GOD. Romans 10: 17 says "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the WORD of God". The Eucharist or Apostolic Tradition has its root in the WORD of God. We are quick to hallow the traditions but forget the source of that tradition, the WORD. Matthew 15:6 does not only apply to the worshipers in the days of Jesus alone, but also to this generation in the End Time Church. However, let me be quick to add that we are not attacking any church or denomination. I believe strongly in the Eucharist, but i value the WORDS of GOD most.