Eternal Life Is Now.
Eternal life is received through knowledge of God, the Father, and is contained in His Son, Jesus Christ. We obtain this gift of life through salvation which God offers to all by the death and resurrection of His Son. When Jesus was beaten, humiliated, and crucified, the penalty for our sins was fully paid and we were given the opportunity to be reconciled to God. We receive this privilege by simply believing; God extends life to us when we have faith in what His Son, Jesus accomplished on the cross. This life begins at the moment we believe. We are immediately transformed into new creations and a new existence, now lived in fellowship with God, begins. This is the origin of the Christian's eternal life; we now have the presence of God with us at all times to guide us and direct us and help us to live according to the new standards and principles found in His Word.
But what will eternal life be like? Although this life begins in the present and is blessed by God, we are still living on the earth and subject to earthly hardships, sorrows and
disappointments. We take refuge in the presence of God while the promises in His Word comfort and sustain us. But this life that we have obtained is everlasting. It will extend beyond the boundaries of this earthly existence, indeed beyond time and the grave. So while we may suffer adversity here and now as foreigners in a strange country, we have hope of a better day. In all these things, we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us, Hallelujah!