The Benefit of the secret place. (Having Time With God).
The Benefit of the secret place. (Having Time With God). Kindly Share This With Your Love Ones.

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I will like to thank Evangelist David Diga Hernandez for his awesome work and the great message of the Lord he is spreading to all the world. May the good Lord bless him for his good work. I am blessed by all your messages. Sometimes I wish I could contribute but things are very difficult for us here in Ghana. But I pray the good Lord will bless me so I can support His work with my substances to. For now I will like to share the blessings of the word to all through this article.
Are you worried and struggling with your Christian Life today? Are you having a problem with what to do to get close to the Father? Are you struggling with prayer, worship, devotion to the word, holiness? Even as I am writing this, I am asking myself this same questions and my answers are very bad, because I am struggling with all of the above. But today I am going to share with you all my little experience and how the Bible says we can all go about to have an awesome relationship with the Father.
My Experience
To begin, let me start with the little I have realised about we Christians and our today's Christian Life. Today's Christianity has been a kind of selective service. What I mean by selective service is Christians of today think Sunday or Saturday is the best day to worship God and a day devoted to Him God and after the Sunday or Saturday service God is out of the picture till another Sunday or Saturday and that is not what Christianity is about. Christianity goes beyond Sundays and Saturdays. Christianity as I said some time ago is a relationship and not a religion. It is a relationship with the Father in heaven and a relationship with our fellow human, so you can't say I love God but I hate some humans or I love humans but I hate God for who he is. As soon as it becomes like that then you do not have that relationship I am talking about here. And that relationship is called Christianity.
In my life as a Christian, one thing I have realised is the fact that many Christian like myself put God last. We always think and act as though God can wait and when I am done with my education, posting, lessons, talking, cooking, gossiping etc, I will get to Him and eventually by the time you will be done with all this you forget there is even a God to go to. Do you know why? Because we are sitting and expecting to see the outcome of that which we substituted God for. So we end up even forgetting that God is the best person to get to so that our expectations will be fruitful. We are always putting God last and that is what is killing us and stealing us from the glory and power of God.
Sometimes we feel to busy and feel there is a lot to be done, even sometimes in our ministries, we feel there is a lot to done to the extent that we forget to have time with God. We forget to get to the presence of the Father. We forget it is time to seek the face of the Father in heaven. You see anytime we feel so busy to get to the presence of the Father in heaven we want to tell Him that we can do it without Him. It shows we want Him to know that we can do it without Him. That is how come many of us Christian seems to see a lot of failures in our lives. It looks like things all not always going as planned for us always. This is all because we never seeked the face of God, we never involved Him in what we were doing. We didn't invite Him to be part of the business, the marriage, the schooling, the travelling. We thought we could have done it all by our might and strength but the truth is if God is absent in your situation you will eventually fail. That is the truth.
What is the Secret Place?
The secret place is our private time with the Father in heaven (God). The secret place is our devotion to God that is free from our earthly ambitions. The secret place is the place you go to connect with Jesus undisturbed and undistracted. The place you go to connect with the Lord without any agenda. It is the place that you find the depth of the Spirit, it is the place that you find safety and security. ~ by David Diga Hernandez (In his message "The Secret Place").
One thing we must know about the secret place is, it is not a time for prayer, not a time for worship, not a time reading the Bible. Do know why? Because at any point in time we can do all. I for an example pray on my way to work. I walk from my house to my work place, so as am walking am praying. I also like to read my Bible when I am sitting on my toilet sit in the morning bringing out some waste in my body. I also worship the Lord when I am washing my clothes. This is to tell you and I that at any moment in time we are able to do the above. But that is not the case for the Secret Place even though they are all part. The Secret Place is a moment for growth in the Lord God Almighty. It is a moment when we grow from glory to glory, the moment when we grow from being Christ-like to being more Christ-like. The moment when we grow from being spiritual to being more spiritual. That is what the secret place is all about. That is where we feel and enjoy the power of God. That is where we realize the supremacy of our saviour and creator, the Father God.
[Psa 80:18] LHB: So will we not go back from you: revive us, and we will call upon your name.
That is the purpose of the Secret Place. That is to be quickened and revived in the Lord and in our Spirit. That is the moment where we receive the glory of the Father. Just as Moses received the glory of God that the people could not look into his face because the glory of God was upon him.
The Benefits
Now I want us to look at these scriptures from the Holy Bible.
[Psa 91:1-7] LHB He that dwells in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the AAlmighty.
Vs 2: I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.
Vs 3: Surely he shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler, and from the destroying pestilence.
Vs 4: He shall cover you with his feathers, and under his wings shall you trust: his truth shall be your shield and buckler.
Vs 5: You shall not be afraid of the terror by night; nor of the arrow that flies by day;
Vs 6: Nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness; nor of the destruction that wastes at noonday.
Vs 7: A thousand shall fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it shall not come near you.
The scriptures above gives us a vivid structure of the benefits of the Secret Place.
My prayer for you reading is that may the good Lord Himself help you find it important to come to His presence in His Secret Place so you can have the benefits of being in the presence of the Almighty God. May the good Lord Himself bless you now and forever more. AMEN!.
Post Is Originally Created On whaleshares/@paajohnny

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