People with hate based beliefs can still be Christian.
I’ve seen so many memes, tweets, and posts like this one that all say something along the lines of, “You can’t be a Christian and be ___,” with the ___ usually filled in with something like racist, misogynistic, homophobic, etc.
I understand the sentiment, but it’s dead wrong. Unequivocally and totally wrong. There's not a single ounce of truth to the claim. You absolutely can be a Christian and a racist, white supremacist, sexist, homophobe, etc.
That’s because Christ welcomes all to the fold. He wants the racists, the misogynists, and anyone who has hatred in their hearts to come unto Him so they can be changed. His life was given for that purpose. He does not deny them the opportunity to change just because you think they’re worse sinners than you.
What's worse is usually people are using these types of claims to shame people into compliance with their politics, broadly defining these strands of hatred to mean “any disagreement with my sociopolitical preferences."
Where they would have a case is if they were saying that people can’t claim that these hate-based worldviews are compatible with the Gospel, that a true Christian should be trying to root them out. Because that is true – perspectives based in true hatred that dehumanizes your fellow brother and sister are not in line with Christ's teachings. No person is living the Gospel to the best of their abilities if they are trying to use it as justification for such hatred.
It is you – the person who would claim to be "inclusive" – who is not in line with the Gospel if you think you have some sort of authority to use Christ’s teachings as a filter for who can be with you in the pews on Sundays.
Good point. However, considering that one of the defining phrase of Christianity is "love thy neighbor", hating such a person does make one at least a hypocrite
It's more like what the Apostle said about the sexually immoral--that's what some of you WERE.
And of course the lie that we hate gay people is just that. It's a lie. We don't approve of what they do so they accuse us of hate.