A Hostage In Liberia #1...(On Arrival in Liberia)

in #christianity7 years ago


In Liberia

The more he recollects or recalls the earliest impression of what happened to him in Liberia,the more he is committed to extolling the Lord for bringing up his soul from the grave and keeping him alive.I just want to agree with the Bible by saying ''what shall l render onto the Lord for all his benefits towards me?....."God's saving act towards his life in Liberia during the civil war led by Charles Ghankey Tailor of National Patroitic Front Of Liberia (NPFL)against the ruling government of H.E Samuel Kanyon Doe as the president.He found himself at Sanniquellie on December 23,1989 till he found himself in Monrovia in february 1992.

Comfort his wife and three children Gabriel Junior,Kofi and Yaw did enjoyed their smooth flight from Kotoka International Airport Accra Ghana, to Robertsfield Airport in Margibi County in Liberia.They were given a very nice and warm welcome by the President of a renowned church in Liberia..All things being equal,he started his teachings,preachings counselling and attending to the needs of members of the community at large from Sanniquellie to some of the towns in the country.

He ocassionally visits most of the High Schools and their social camps in the bush to acquaint himself with the traditional way of worships and beliefs which included the male and female genital mutilation,respects for adults,counselling,marriage and home and family education.Due to his British assent,he was easily identified among the rest and the most frequent questions he was always asked by them was;

Why are you here in Liberia?
Are you here with your family?
Where do you live and how long?

In response to those questions,he used the occasion to explain his mission of being invited to work throughout Liberia to help maintain peace and tranquility ,and preach the gospel especially. In 1989,he organised a six-day special camp meeting at Shilley Memorial School at anniquellie for all christians in the country and surprisingly even some members of the protestants churches attended.

The predominant ethnic groups in Nimba country were the Gios and the Manos.The Gios men were mainly hunters and their women were greedily grabbing any ethnic possession they might lay their hands on.Any male stranger who came to marry a woman from the Gios clan,would automatically forfeit any property,any possession that both had acquired throughout their marriage life automatically became the woman's...

Unlike the Gios,the Manos whose men preferred staying in town transacting business and the women loved buying and selling in the market..There were few Senior High Schools in the Gio settlement as compared to the Manos where there were many different senior high schools.

The story gets more interesting with the life experience of this Pastor's tragedic moment spent in Liberia.You are kindly to share with a friend to get others motivated..

Keep glued for the rest.There's more to share!



他越是記得或回想起在利比里亞發生的事情的最初印象,他就越是要頌揚耶和華把他的靈魂從墳墓裡帶出來,讓他活著。我只是想同意聖經, “為了他對我的一切好處,我將把什麼歸還給主呢?”在利比里亞利比里亞的生活中,由利比里亞民族陣線(NPFL)的Charles Ghankey裁縫率領的內戰,他是Samuel Kanyon Doe閣下的政府總統。他於1989年12月23日在Sanniquellie,直到1992年2月在蒙羅維亞發現自己。

安慰他的妻子和三個孩子Gabriel Junior,Kofi和Yaw確實從加納的科託卡國際機場到利比里亞的Margibi縣的Robertsfield機場順利的飛行。他們受到了一個著名的教會主席的非常熱烈的歡迎。利比里亞。所有的事情都是平等的,他開始他的教導,宣講諮詢,並從桑尼奎列(Sanniquellie)到全國的一些城鎮滿足社區的需求。



針對這些問題,他利用這個機會解釋了他被邀請在利比里亞工作的使命,以幫助維護和平與安寧,特別是傳福音。 1989年,他為全國所有的基督教徒舉行了為期六天的紀念學校特別營地會議,令人驚訝的是甚至還有一些新教教會的成員出席了會議。







Beautiful one there!

A hostage propagating the Gospel? God has various way He does His things. Let's not try to understand Him for our own good because the moment we do, He ceases to be the almighty God. Nice story @mcsamm

Interesting one @mcsamm

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