As The Eclipse Turns

in #christianity7 years ago

Right now as I am writing this, there is a major eclipse going on in america. Some are in the darkness enjoying the view of something they believe will never happen in their lives again. It has become a source of wonder and entertainment, but many are not convinced that it is a sign from the God of heaven.

The bible states that there would be signs in the heavens, and that the people of God should consider that many of them are messages to us, but we need to seek His guidance on these things, because signs in the heavens are interpreted by God's people and satan's followers as well. We need to heed the promptings of the Holy Spirit when we encounter unusual circumstances in our lives.

The question is, is this eclipse a sign for america and the world? Well, I have heard some reports that there was a similar eclipse 100 years ago, so this is not unusual, except that there is a prediction of another eclipse to cross america in 7 years time that will cross the us in the opposite direction, making the sign of a x or a cross depending on how you look at it on a map. Could both of these occurances be just coincidences?

As believers, we know that there are no coincidences, because the Lord puts His people into situation and circumstances to enlighten us, inspire us, and to grow us up spiritually. Maybe, just maybe, it this eclipse were the only unusual event that has happened since the year 2000, it could be written off as a 'coincidence', but there have been too many unusual 'coincedences' occuring in america and in the world since 2001, beginning with 9/11 and these situations have been happening in the world every since that dark day.

Wars and rumors of wars, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, great floods and mudslides, huge hurricanes and tornadoes, fluctuations in temperature (extreme heat) and strange weather patterns, famine and violence, hate and hopelessness, blood moons and asteroid visitations, strange and sudden die offs of birds and animals, tsunamis and terrorist attacks.... If you would have told me the things that would happen even 10 years ago, I would not have believed it!

What we are seeing are the last days of man ruling in the earth, and the Lord is warning His children to be ready for Jesus Christ's return, and He is warning the unbelievers that there time is short and that they must repent. We cannot hope to survive another 50 years of chaos as the 'powers that be' and the muslim brotherhood strive to rule the world and kill off and destroy the people of God; there are too many bad people with weapons of mass destruction. We cannot afford to be blind to the signals in the heavens and in our hearts!

Pray for the church and for the reawakening to start right now! Pray for the peace of Jerusalem and for the reawakening of the Jewish people to accept their Jewish Messiah, Jesus Christ, for war shall surely happen again in israel, and the people of God must be ready to expect His coming very soon. Pray for america and for our government to be strong as we try to fight against the forces of evil. Please ask the Lord for guidance so that you may have an open heart to truly perceive the signs of the times!

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