What Is Real

in #christianity6 years ago

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If we look at the heart of the people today
They are wicked, complacent and deceived
It's getting harder to know what's real anymore
It's hard to know just what to believe


The government says that were safe and secure
The education system says their way is the only way
We give up our rights to fit into the world
Now they want to control what we think and say


We follow the churches so that we will be saved
We go to men and ask them what to do
We follow them blindly and don't ask questions
Because they promise that they will save you


The truth is sitting at our fingertips
If you will study and ask God you will see
The only truth comes from God Almighty
And this truth will set you free




Follow the white rabbit. See how deep the rabbit hole really goes. We know what choices neo made and they seem easy. What's our problem?

No, thank you for a meaningful reminder of us slowly being herded to the cliff. Knowingly for the most part...

Well your welcome... Amen

yeah so very true never forget that satan is also a man ,he is no different from any other normal looking accountant ,and he is at the top of the seat and does all the moving and allocating of resources ,only to energies thus aim at only one thing that is taking out of us and feeding them ,we need as a human society learn to stand with one another other than just ignoring our friends ,

Yup, God is the only way, Thanks so much!

you go deep with such an understanding that i like but i have to say im a spiritual soul myself and in a way i feel i have awoken or im waking up

I do go deep, most don't realize it. The fact that you do shows you're moving towards the right direction. I will pray for you and hope you can find clarity. God Bless

and to be honest with you i dont really think of god in that sense to me its something all together ,god is within us he is us he is everything

no thank you for sharing such inspired messages

Indeed beautiful. Every line of this post was speaking out loud . I heard the roar my friend.

Yours Reader

Thank you so much my friend. I really appreciate your kind words!

Keep it

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