Christmas Is All About Stuff

God commanded us to celebrate certain feasts and festivals
And that commandment has never gone away
God told us not to celebrate pagan holidays
And that's exactly the holidays we celebrate today
Christmas has nothing to do with God
The Savior is not around your Christmas tree
Christmas is an abomination created in Babylon
Christians need to learn their history
They say that Easter is all about the Savior
But that drags the Holy Saviors Atonement into the mud
Babylon sacrificed their babies to a fertility god
Then they would dye eggs in their babies blood
Halloween is all about death and Satan
It's all about blood, vile gore, and fear
Valentine's day is another abomination
But we participate in these pagan holidays every year
Christians are clueless about what God wants
They're drunk on the world and they can't get enough
Christmas has nothing to do with the Savior
Christmas is all about stuff