Self righteousness the greatest enemy of Love

in #christianity7 years ago

IMG_20180224_114554.jpgSelf righteousness the greatest enemy of love.
Before we continue with the love series the holy spirit told me to deal with the issue of
Self righteousness he said some are truly saved but have not come to realize the fullness or the potential of what they have. You might have heard the truth and believed it but until you KNOW the truth you cannot be set free,cause believing is the only requirement for salvation. But becoming one with that truth is what liberates you. Its painful because what we hear these days is sin and and the works of the devil. Or if you are lucky they will talk about success which is just a tiny part of Gods love. This is the tactic of the devil to keep members depending on thier pastor for guidance.when they have direct access to the good Shepherd.We should be teaching the truth of the love of God.
You don't read your bible and pray everyday to find that love. When you find that love you will just on your own start reading the Bible and praying.Because you now realize God wants a relationship not religion( or religous activities)I'm not countering theology I'm just giving you the Gospel on a take it or leave it basis. Its the Gospel that sets free not theology. Its easier for a so called vile sinner to be liberated instantly. Because he is holding on to the righteousness of Christ. Not anything he has done. But here you are telling this man who has been keeping the law to the best of his ability that all that is not needed all he needs is the righteousness of Christ. Holiness and righteousness are not relative terms. You are either as holy as Christ or you are not holy, you are either as righteous as Christ. Or you are not righteous. There is no such thing as holier than thou. I am as righteous as Christ because I accept his nature which is righteousness. That is what gives me a right standing before God.I am as holy as Christ. In fact I am the holiness of Christ I am the righteousness of Christ.
You see that I have to leave my holiness which is like filthy rags in Gods sight and marry Gods holiness. The sin of self righteousness is actually the only sin that can stop Gods work in your life. Because whenever you are looking at your own righteousness you are looking at yourself as God. Just like what the devil did. God still loves you but you are stopping him from working in your life. Being self centered is terrible. Infact the only sin that will stop you making heaven is being so self-centered you fail to recognize your need for a savior. So yea I'm not holier than anybody but I'm as holy as Christ. Infact when God sees me he sees the holiness of Christ. So the same pleasure extended to Jesus is extended to me. I like to say it this way, all the blessings spoken upon Jesus are manifested in my life. IMG_20180224_121508.jpgLook everyone who knows me knows for a fact that I find solace in solitude. I love being alone. But when I found this, common this is too good to keep to myself, I just have to share it. I might not be the best messenger but I sure have the best message, the gospel.I couldn't give a tiny crap what you think about me,cause its not about me its about that love that sets free. Its the Gospel that liberates not theology. love is super unique in that you cannot get the fullness of its blessing until you share it. The joy it gives to see someone set free is the greatest feeling ever. Will talk in detail about that later. So are you holding on to the so much good you have done or you holding on to the best which is what Jesus has done. Remember you can only hold on to one. Chose Jesus
Let me bring this home. We like to see Enoch Adeboye and David Oyedepo as Very holy. Yes they are IF they are holding on to the righteousness of Christ. Now I hold on to the righteousness of Christ,except they are holier than Christ they are not holier than me.
Self righteousness is simply chosing your own righteousness over the righteousness of Christ. Which is stupid Because if your righteousness could save you then Jesus did not have to die for your sins.
We are like an island surrounded with water only we are surrounded with love now if I left the one end of the island and go to the other end I still find that same love. Do I have to go back to where I started to jump in? That will be foolishness I just jump in the way I am its the water that cleanses me, nothing I did before cleanses me its the work of the water to cleanse me, I just jump.Self righteousness is like finding the water of love and then in the name of repentance trying to use a bowl to pour that water on yourself. You will be cleansed because you realized that the water can cleanse you and you used the water( but note that it was the water that cleansed you) but how will you know the depth of that water(love) if you don't jump in. My prayer is that we drown in Gods love. Amen

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