Every snare in your life is broken and you have escaped... Fullness of freedom in christ

in #christianity6 years ago


Our soul has escaped as a bird from the snare of the fowlers; The snare is broken, and we have escaped. Our help is in the name of the Lord, Who made heaven and earth. And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.

The devil will keep attempting to cause us to feel bound, caged and limited in order to prevent us from arising, moving forward and being what God has destined us to be. God wants us to continually take possession of the absolute freedom He has liberally granted us in Christ. He wants you to see yourself free because Jesus has set you free. God wants you to never feel bound by anything or in any situation. Jesus assured us that He came to heal the broken hearted, deliver the captives, restore sight to the blind and set at liberty those who are bruised. Even the guilt and hurts of the past will not cage or limit you anymore.

David revealed that for us whose trust is in the Lord, our soul has escaped like a bird from the hunters trap. He said the snare (or trap) is broken by the power of the Lord! You are free because Jesus has broken everything that has tried to trap or entangle your soul. You are free in the name of Jesus!

In Psalms 23:3 David said, “He restores my soul.” Divine restoration is taking place in your soul right now. One of the things that God uses to restore our soul is His word. The word of God does not only have the ability to save souls, it is also called the perfect law of liberty that causes us to walk in our freedom and blessings as we look into it, remember it and act in accordance with it.

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