21st Century Christianity

in #christianity2 years ago

Imagine you were on a journey but before you started out, you planted an anchor that will serve as a reminder of just how far you've travelled and whether you're still on the path or not and if so, how far you've drifted. Now imagine that as you moved, from time to time the anchor also moved from it's original position. How would you correctly keep track of your progress or your course?

This scenario has come to be what is the Church's reality today, that the anchor of Morality and godliness keeps shifting, shifting with civilization...

The West didn't start out wearing Bikinis or wearing the clothes society has come to accept as fashionable today. Funny, even their prostitutes in the 18th centuries dressed modestly.

I'm pretty sure if one wore what they so proudly wear outdoors today, they'd be sent to the mental asylum or jailed for indecent exposure but now all that is well accepted and the new normal.

Unfortunately, the church which should serve as an anchor, is constantly shifting and has come to embrace the society's culture, so much so that values are no longer objective but subjective: now what is wrong or not is what the society says is wrong or not and no longer what people know by virtue of their conscience as right or wrong, or for believers the word of God says is wrong, to the extent that even the church has adopted traditions that are culturally right whether it's biblical or not.

It makes me wonder, if Christ had come in the 21st century instead, would his message on fornication or adultery been a little different? Would he have not condemned hypocrisy as much as he did back then? Or would he have declared himself as "a" way and not "the" way?. In all these I believe his message would have stayed same. So why is our 21st century christianity different?

Now, I'm not indicting anybody or any church but it's worrisome that we no longer have an anchor, to know how far we've drifted off the ancient paths and I fear the way we're going, one day and those days are upon us, we'd wake up to realize that people are coming to church naked, or a man is wedding two wives at a time or that adultery and fornications are norms and those in the church won't be exempt.

The world is becoming more churchy and the church more worldly. Something has to be done and fast...it begins with you and I. ACT NOW!!

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