Destiny Helpers
You need a helper in life no matter how comfortable you are. In fact your comfort comes as a result of helpers around you. Your speed in life is tied to those God has designed specifically to make things work for you.
In Jn 5:1-9, The man sitting at the pool of Bethesda said he had no man to help him get into the water when angels stir up the water for the healing of whoever went in first. I can imagine the helplessness of a man who desperately needs someone to help and none. This man remained in his condition for 38years. He couldn't make any progress in life. What if he had people that stood to help him out? He would have been a success earlier in life. This is what happens when you don't have helpers. Jesus saw his plight and physically visited him and made him well. May God visit your helpless situation in Jesus name.
In Mk 2:3-5, The man sick of palsy was helped by his friends. They released their faith on his behalf and went beyond their comfort zone to get him back on his feet to fulfil destiny.
God will connect you with people that will relief you of your pains and struggles in Jesus name. May you not suffer in silence, your helpers will see your pains and God will use them to wipe away your tears in Jesus name. God is your present help in trouble. Receive help this week in Jesus name.
Share your testimony this week because it is your time and season. TAKE IT !
#destinyhelpers #faith_filled #greatness
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