A Common Story You've not given so much thought (Exposition of Matt 25:14-30)

in #christianity7 years ago


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As we look at this parable in (Matt 25:14 -30), the first thing I'll like us to note is that the master gave talents ACCORDING TO HIS SERVANTS' ABILITIES. So the the servants were all qualified for the responsibilities before each of them. Don't think less of yourself when the master sees potential in you and gives you responsibilities.

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Secondly, I'll like us to note "then" that began verse 16. It implies; "after that". In fact, the NIV, ESV, GNB and AMP versions of the Holy Bible all recorded that the servant went "at once". When God gives us responsibilities, we ought to start acting AT ONCE, to do His will.

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Thirdly, according to verse 19, the master demanded accountability upon his return. He however did not end there; HE EXPECTED FRUITFULNESS as well. The way we anticipate positive results when we say; "Lord I commit my family into your hands. Guide us today as we go about our daily activities" is the same way God tells us; "here, have these talents, you know what to do with them". This brings us to the fourth point; ...what to do with them...

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One may say; "but he didn't give the servants instructions on what to do with the talents". Am sure if the master were to reply, he'll also say, "they knew what to do with them" or better still; "they knew what I'll love them to do with the talents". We'll see that in verse 26. God expects us to know Him better as we walk with Him. We aren't babes anymore.

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The fifth point I'll like us to note is the master's reward pattern (verses 21, 23 and 28); its not rest but promotion to handle MORE RESPONSIBILITIES. In addition to entering into the joy of the Lord, we'll receive promotion as a reward for a job well done

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Finally, let's note the master's attitude towards unfruitful servants (verses 28-30). Not only was his talents taken from him, he was also thrown into darkness to suffer there. Remember that he didn't loose the talent, but failed to make profit.

By His Grace, we'll all enter into the Joy of the Lord.
Have a fruitful day.


As I read your post, I was reminded of how I searched and searched for God's will and how I desired to be counted as a faithful servant. The words of John 15:16 seem to fit nicely with your theme:

"You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit--fruit that will last--and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you." (NIV)

Thank you for reminding me of my own journey. ✟

Thanks a lot, am grateful

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