in #christianity6 years ago

Recall in the creation account of The Holy Bible as Genesis 1 recounts, God said"Let there be" in every other created thing but not man. When it was time to bring man into existence, God said " Let us make man in our own image.. " Gen 1:27. "When Adam came from the Creator's hand, he bore, in his physical, mental and spiritual nature, a likeness to his maker" E. G White. God did not just say "let there be man",what an amazing love and interest this master designer had for his design . God practically engaged in a messy job of moulding from the dust, engaging the sand(Gen 2:7), I also see him employing waters and most importantly his team of Father, Son and Holy spirit( Trinity),note "let us". God after this, Breathed into his nostrils Gen 2:7.This must be a very close encounter that man had ever had with God. The breathe (spirit) activated the moulded dust to become a living soul. This is the beginning of mankind. God again, handed man the first gift, Gen 1:28. Dominion to rule over the earth was a show of love and trust from the maker. God had made a creation that will influence the destiny of the EARTH. A creation that will cater for all things that was created. A creation he would commune with. A creation that would show forth His praises. A creation that replicates him in this lower realm. A creation that would worship him. A creation that will multiply and enjoy the beauty of paradise all through eternity. King David even proclaimed "what is man that thou art mindful of him? ". Psalm 8:4-8. Further more, God hath made man small gods (Psalm 82:6,John 10:34). You are worth more than your scientific explanations, you are worth more than financial stratification or social status. Man is God's love on earth. Even the animals recognises that we are fearfully and wonderfully made ( Psalms 139:14), even to the big cats(mountain lions),they recognise this in man by their show of fear to come in contact with man. Even without weapons, we are more than "we are".

He hath shown thee o man what is good, and what does the Lord of all heavens require of thee? Do justly, love mercy and to walk humbly with thy God. Micah 6:8.

Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. Eccl 12:13-14.

Man arise and take thy place in the business of restoration of that you have lost to SIN.

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