in #christianity7 years ago

Hy everyone,rilly need you to go through this write up and drop your comments by sharing your point of view about DIVORCE..
INTRODUCTION: divorce is one of the major problems facing homes today.Divorce is granted to the unbelievers for many reasons such as adultery,cruelty, desertion,drunkness,neglect to provide,conviction of crime, separation, bigamy, incompatibility etc.However,is divorce permissible for Christians? Let's us approach this lesson by answering some number of questions
I. Is there any scriptural reference that backs up divorce?
ANSWER: There is only one reason and that is fornication(Matthew 19:9). What does the word fornication mean? The simple meaning is sexual relationship with a third party.However,the innocent partner should be ready to forgive the guilty partner.Divorce was not God original plan for human beings.
ii.How long is a marriage contract?
The answer is simply until death comes visiting your partner(Matthew 19:6). In marriage,God is permitted to break that union by taking one of the partners in death.
iii.Can the innocent partner in a divorce re-marry?
It is doubtful if there is such thing as an innocent partner in the sight of God.it is most likely that the innocent partner failed in some ways.
iv.Why should people avoid divorce like a plague?
(A).divorce represents a tragedy that has undermined the home,the very basis if society.
(B).Misery always follow in its oath,broken homes,bruised,and broken hearts,bewildered,homeless children,delinquent youth,loneliness,tears and at times suicide or insanity as the case mag be.
(C). The couple should consider the welfare of the children who would suffer most because there won't be enough parental Care and watch over them again,and it also cause division amongst children
(D) Many Christians look at divorce as sinful,regardless of the circumstances because it is a public admission if utter failure which belittles the power of Christ(Philippians 4:13).
(E). Economic disaster often follows divorce and it is the cause of lack of love and happiness in marriage.

Might not be in the right position to give counsel about marriages because have not tasted what marriage is.but will just say what I feel is the right counsel and will implore others to also comment what they feel is the appropriate counsel for divorced marriages and couples yet to divorce

Let both husband and wives solemly renew their vow "for better or for waorse till death do us part". Let each get right with the lord and then with one another.confession and repentance with mutual sharing would make any marriage a success.let them spend time in prayer individually and as a couple (james5:16).Let the husband be the actual head of the home and not merely a figure head.Let the wives be subject to their husbands (epheaians5:24).Let husbands and wives continually woo each other because each needs a great deal of affection.Married couples should continuously ask God for a holy love for each ogher.

IN CONCLUSION to this wonderful write up..cab there be love when there is no respect? The answer is YES,for God loves the unlovely sinner,whom he cannot respect.Love that is unselfish and godly can be deep and powerful even with those whom we cannot resoect. With such a love,our marriages would last for life(1peter 4:8).let us pray for such divine love. image


Divorce is more a symptom in most cases of bigger problems of marrying the wrong person and in not preparing for marriage and for life and commitment and agape sacrifice and everything in the first place.

Yeah..marrying the wrong person is a key factor that brings about divorce

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