Glimpses of His Greatness

Take a glimpse at the vastness of the horizon by night. See the infinite bounds of the universe. The gorgeous display of countless glittering stars. The heavenly bodies hanging upon nothing, perfectly trailing their seemingly assigned orbits. Consider the naive resplendent moon receiving dazzling light from the scorching sun. Yes! You can hear the deafening silence of the glory of the Almighty Creator. Indeed, “The heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament shows His handiwork” (Psalm 19:1, NKJV).
Take a glimpse into the extremely minute but complex atom. Science reveals the grandeur of this invisible particle. The intricate arrangement of the protons, neutrons, and electrons within boggles the mind of the physicists; knowing that each proton and neutron have yet smaller sub-particles. And think of the fantastically enormous force that binds these extremely minute particles together. Aren’t they displaying the sophisticated intelligence of the Great Designer?
Take a glimpse into your very ownself. You are made of trillions of incredible cells. Yet your thoughts and actions are awesomely synchronized and spontaneously executed. Think of the body organs working harmoniously together. Sure, you are a miracle in God’s hand! You are “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14, NIV).
Finally, take a glimpse into the greatness of God’s love. His never-ending sustenance. His tender loving kindness. His unfailing forgiveness. His transforming grace. Greatest of all, the King of kings and Lord of lords, the Almighty Creator of the vast universe, condescending to become like one of us, dying on the cross of Calvary to save you and me.
Awesome power! Amazing love!
Love Him. Trust Him. He cares!
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You may follow @arnelarcenal for more bibilical insights. Thank you. God bless!
Love Him. Trust Him. He cares!
Please feel free to give comments, corrections, or suggestions about the above presentation.
You may follow @arnelarcenal for more bibilical insights. Thank you. God bless!
Thanks for the great post and reminding us how awesome is our God.
Yes, God is indeed awesome.