in #christianity6 years ago (edited)

I was trying to get the foundation of the new month that God has given me the enablement to witness once again this year. As I was perusing the book of Exodus chapter 1&2 when I took notice of something which struck my heart, and immediately, I began to hear the phrase, "DIVINE EXEMPTION" drop in my spirit which is what I'm going to share with us today as a foundation of the new month “MAY”

It's been this portion of the Bible that has given me confidence to announce to you that, regardless of whatever preposterous law or obnoxious decree made in your family or community even before you were born, you can still be divinely exempted from what befalls others if you are connected to the right source which is no other person than JESUS CHRIST. It is only by this process that you are eligible to become a KINGDOM CITIZEN.

Before I proceed, I crave your indulgence to elucidate the phrase "DIVINE EXEMPTION" The word 'DIVINE', in this context is, "Relating to or proceeding directly from God" 'EXEMPTION means "Freedom from being required to do something that others are being required to do" EXEMPTION is synonymous with the word IMMUNITY, which means "Special protection from what is required for most people by law."

Beloved, permit me at this juncture to analogize and juxtapose it with who we are in Christ so you can get the accurate illumination. For instance, since Nigeria returned to Democratic rule in 1999, one of the most debated issues is the immunity clause in the country's constitution. Contained in section 308 of the 1999 constitution, it shields the president, vice president, governors and their deputies from all civil and criminal proceedings against their persons for the duration of their time in office. This means that as long as they are in office, no civil or criminal suit can be brought against their persons.

They can only be tried either at the expiration of their terms in office, or if they are impeached by the National Assembly or their State House of Assembly, according to the laid-down guidelines in the constitution (Section 143 for the president and vice president; Section 188 for governors and deputy governors).

Dearly Beloved, if some citizens who occupy certain offices in a country could be exempted from trial through the help of Immunity clause enshrined in the constitution, how much Immunity (Divine Exemption) would a Kingdom Citizen have? I'm not oblivious of the fact that there's Divine Exemption available for kingdom citizens who are here in the earth on assignment. The question is, are you a kingdom citizen?

From what I noticed in Exodus chapter 1&2, Moses was born into a place where there was already existing Order, just as it is the case in some of our families. Let's listen to this, Exodus 1:15-18 "And the king of Egypt spake to the Hebrew midwives, of which the name of the one was Shiphrah, and the name of the other Puah: [16] And he said, When ye do the office of a midwife to the Hebrew women, and see them upon the stools; if it be a son, then ye shall kill him: but if it be a daughter, then she shall live. [17] But the midwives feared God, and did not as the king of Egypt commanded them, but saved the men children alive. [18] And the king of Egypt called for the midwives, and said unto them, Why have ye done this thing, and have saved the men children alive?"When the king realized that his first strategy was in futility, he had to re-strategize to ensure that every Hebrew male child born in Egypt at that time was eliminated. Exodus 1:22 "And Pharaoh charged all his people, saying, Every son that is born ye shall cast into the river, and every daughter ye shall save alive."No doubt, the obnoxious decree might have brought about the killing of many Hebrew male children. Nevertheless, there was a child that enjoyed this Divine Exemption from premature or untimely death. His is Moses, instead of being killed according to the Order, was not only adopted by Pharaoh's daughter, but was also being taken care of with the resources of Egypt and finally taken to the very palace from where the crazy decree came.
This was possible because Moses was a destiny child like some or all of us. Moses came to fulfill a purpose of delivering the children of Israel out of bondage in Egypt. Pharaoh's daughter going to the river to bathe was not a mere coincidence, but was a heavenly created event designed by God Himself just to simplify the adoption of Moses by Pharaoh's daughter in order for Moses to have had unhindered access into the palace in Egypt so he could begin his familiarization tour of the terrain as a pathfinder.

• Friends, I want to assure you that if you are here on assignment of which I know you are, if God sent you to the earth to fulfill His purpose of which I know He does, you have been exempted from untimely death this month and beyond!
• No decree or any law will truncate your destiny as long as you keep abiding in God. John 15:7 "If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you”.
• God always cause something to happen so as to His promise would come to manifestation; for people and spirits to witness His Almighty power. He created languages in Babel within a minute to show the children of Babel and even the whole world what He’s capable of. He will cause something to happen in your favour this month.

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