When God works in places, what does the devil do?

in #christianity7 years ago (edited)

When you see or remember the horrific scenes of the murdering spree of Daesh/ISIL/ISIS. What do you think? And how does it make you feel?

The first thing mostly is getting shocked, a sick making feeling that turns your stomach upside down.
Another possible reaction is getting mad at these people, who's belief system is not of peace but of hate. A faith that litterally means to opress.
Or getting afraid...And that's what the purpose of this all is..

Did you know when God works in places the devil reacts? Why do you think we see these horrible things in the world around us?

Some will answer: satan is the ruler of this world. And he is. But he is not the one. He is allowed to.

The reason these things happen, because the adversary is reacting on God's doing great things. Wonderfull things. For instance, in the muslim world, thousands are getting dreams of Isa, Jehushua or Jesus. They get saved and often it spreads like wildfire.
And God's love is spread.

When God is doing great and wonderfull things the only reaction satan can give is the opposite.
So when you see these terrible things around you, know that God is working in places. And our God is bigger, better than he that's in this world.
He says in his Word:#'Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the LORD thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.'
Deuteronomy 31:6

So remember that when the horror of this world is too overwhelming..God's presence is much more!
May God bless you.


Wow, I really needed this. I'm going through some things and this provided great encouragement! Also remember to put quotation marks when quoting the bible Thanks for sharing.

Glad to be of service. Be blessed to be a blessing!

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