"And they brought young children to him, that he should touch them: and his disciple rebuked those that brought them. But when Jesus saw it, he was MUCH DISPLEASED, and said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of God.” [Mark 10:13-14]
Jesus was not prone to openly display his anger. There are only a few occasions mentioned in the Bible when he did this. Once in a synagogue toward the Pharisees when they criticized his healing a man’s paralyzed hand on the Sabbath. There are the two occasions when he cleansed the temple, once at the beginning of his ministry and then when his ministry was drawing to a close.
Another time was at the disciple’s criticism of Mary when she anointed Jesus with spikenard before his death. We may conclude then, that there is something extremely important to be learned when he does express his anger.
The above text says that the Lord was “much displeased” or “very angry” at the negative response of the disciples to those who were bringing children to him for his blessing. With this in mind, I wonder what the Lord might think of the rearing and treatment of children today, even by some who claim to be Christian parents. His rebuke and correction of the disciples involved two commands.
FIRST, there is a “positive aspect.” The “DO.” To “suffer” [allow] the little children to come unto me--means get them to him. There is a time is a child’s development when they are especially open/vulnerable to influence and teaching. This means then that we are to actively and aggressively strive to place them where Jesus is. It is encouraging them---bringing them—using our resources to get and keep them near JESUS! It is the consistent and critical example set by bringing them faithfully [not sending them] to a bible preaching church.
A parent ought to speak often to them of your love for the house of God, and your gratitude for your pastor and SS teachers It is the daily time when we pray with them and tell them biblical stories and speak of our love and adoration of the Savior. It is paying the sacrificial cost to keep them out of the paganism of government schools and getting them to a Christian school that will nurture them, train them, and prepare them for the ungodliness, debauchery, and Christ-hating world they will soon face. This is in addition to the superior educational opportunity that is found in non-government education.
SECONDLY, is the negative aspect-- “The DON’T”--“and forbid them not.” And how do we “forbid” them?
It is when we hinder them and keep them from Jesus by neglecting and ignoring God’s house. It is the “provoking them to wrath” by inconsistency and hypocrisy in our own lives. It is, also, we are too busy to spend time with their spiritual training. When athletics and school functions, and play and games and dancing are more important than Christ we keep them from him.
We also keep them from Jesus when we fail to correct and train them and are more concerned about being their “buddy” rather than their parent. We hinder them when we never tell them “NO” and when they are allowed to tell you, the parent “NO!” When you dote upon them and shower them with material things and never teach them responsibility or give them chores to do. We harm our children when we allow them to whine and throw a “hissy” when they don’t get their own way.
Children are much hurt spiritually and emotionally when there is a neglect of giving of your time and protection and expressing your love. Do you allow someone else to have more influence or affection for them than do you?. We give them to secularists at school, to the debauchery of television and movies, to the internet, and to the influence of unknown friends, often, without any monitoring or investigation. Perhaps the most critical issue in keeping them from the Lord, is the failure to show them by our own life where Jesus is.
“T’was a sheep not a lamb that strayed-- in the parable Jesus told,
A grown-up sheep that stayed away --from the ninety and nine in the fold.
And why for the sheep should we seek --and earnestly hope and pray?
Because there is danger when sheep go wrong--they lead the lambs astray.
Lambs will follow the sheep, you know-- wherever the sheep may stray.
When sheep go wrong, it won’t take long--till the lambs are as wrong as they.
And so with the sheep we earnestly plead--for the sake of the lambs today,
For when sheep are lost, what terrible cost--the lambs will have to pay!
The above is written with much sorrow and with many regrets. I have many times wished that somehow I could have been a “grandpa” BEFORE I was a “dad.” WEN