Letting go...
Yesterday I started a series during which I want to share with you the two most valuable keys to being intentional in the life you live. These insights come from many years of pastoral ministry during which I shared in many people's journeys.
It is your prerogative to spend your life watching TV or whatever you choose to do. Just don't spend your life without actually making a choice. There is no pause button, nor can you rewind. When it is done, it is done. You should choose wisely and make sure you are free to choose
I was pleasantly surprised by the responses and I encourage you to read the post and to take note of the comments.
After yesterday's teaser, I want to share my first little tip with you. Are you ready?
Over the years I encountered many people wasting their lives. This is not because I thought what they were doing was a waste of time and a waste of their lives. Mostly this was their own testimony when looking back on a period on their lives spent in this way. And I'm sure you will agree with me, as I unpack this, that they were wasting their time and their lives.
People waste their todays when they live in their yesterdays.
Are you wasting time? There is a couple of reasons why people typically do not let go of what is behind them.
- Unforgiveness
Holding a grudge keeps you a captive to your past. When you do not forgive, your past and whatever hurt you will rule over you. The longer you hold on the stronger the past's hold on you will become. - Memories
Sometimes it is not the negative that holds us back but the good memories. We live in the past by treasuring a great accomplishment or special moment, to such an extend that we miss the moment that we are in. - Regrets
When you cannot let go of the regrets contained in mistakes made and their dire consequences, today becomes tainted by yesterday. Today will never be all it can be while you live in regret.
It is such a waste to live in the past. It can offer you nothing. Today is what counts! And you need to set today free from yesterday for it to be all it can possible be.
Saul who became Paul is an amazing man who accomplished much in his pursuit of God. Close to the end of his life he looked back on many amazing experiences. There were miracles that boggled the mind. A revelation of grace that has shaped the Christian faith in its essence. He penned the bigger part of the New Testament of the Bible and needs to be considered one the most influential Christian leaders of all time.
Along the way he made many mistakes. In his zealous pursuit of God, he started out as a leader of those who persecuted the early church. He was responsible for the deaths of people simply because they followed Jesus. I often wonder what it felt like for him to meet the loved ones of those whose deaths he caused before his conversion.
His life was not easier as a Christian. He shared the Good News regarding Jesus' life, death and resurrection in places where it had never been heard before and was not welcome. In this process he was stoned and left for dead a number of times. Jail became a familiar place and he was shipwrecked as he ventured on journeys that was fraught with all kinds of danger.
As he looks back he describes his thinking and he uses a phrase that gets my attention. His whole life and all his experiences led him to this conclusion. He says: 'This one thing I do'
Do you want to know what this one thing is? You would do so well if you adopted this strategy in your own life. Here it is!
... one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead,
Php 3:13b NIV
Don't live in the past! For whatever reason. Today is precious. Today is to be treasured. Today is to be experienced to the full.
Let go of what is behind you and focus on this moment. Let it go! You cannot reach out to what is in front of you, if you do not let go of what is behind you.
Life is a journey, not a destination. Let's go take a look at what is behind that horizon. It can be anything.
My prayer for you is that you will find great joy in your journey!
Please share your thoughts on this topic with us in the comments below. I look forward to reading it.

The funny thing is, I find it hard to live in the moment... I either have future, past or "imagination world" to live in. I have something to learn from this post, but even if I changed a bit, I don't want to change who I am.
By the way, the current ahmadmanga, is different than the last year's ahmadmanga, each one of them tries his best to stay 'alive' as much as he can.
Though the best thing the current "ahmadmanga" can do, is to CREATE (leave something behind) so the next ones that takes his place can look back, and remember him by... If you didn't understand. It's hard to describe, but that's what I feel each day. Sadly CREATE(ing) isn't easy thing to do.
So true~
"Let it go, and what it has to be, it will be", is a good thought since what we remember from the past is something positive or negative that will stop us on many occasions to be able to take advantage of it now that it is better to let go than try stop or remember. "Greetings to all and have a good day." @kryptonia
You need to live your life, move forward and understand from your past experiences, rather than dwell on them. Try to be better each and every day
Great post!
Thanks for tasting the eden!
Letting go means accepting the change without harboring resentment, frustration or anger. On many occasions we tolerate change but we do not understand it or accept it.
Assuming new experiences allows us to change our beliefs, our ways of valuing what surrounds us ... in short, it helps us to assume changes as an intrinsic part of development and therefore, it will facilitate us to face them in a more positive way.
The task is not simple but without a doubt it will allow us to achieve a better quality of life.
Don't live in the past! For whatever reason. Today is precious. Today is to be treasured. Today is to be experienced to the full.@kryptonia
Approaching the end of the journey, the most difficult thing is to accept the end of a life never lived.
Letting go of the past doesn't mean nobody is responsible for what happened. It just means it will never change no matter how much we would want it to.
Don't underestimate the mourning period, but don't get stuck in it.
Have a nice day, everybody!
Greetings from @Kryptonia! @nexit
Am so curious on why you shed the light so much on holding the past, holding grudges, I want to believe that's not the only thing that set a man backward or waste his life.
Not doing the right thing at the right time matters a lot. I believe that whole heartedly.
letting go is hard.
kryptonia Id valedjie123
for me, letting go is a process.