in #christian7 years ago

Back to the disciples.
We still meet them as we left them – struggling against the wind.
I can only imagine the disparaging wind coming against them with ferocity and fury,
and them being all panicky and filled with fear,
and then wondering if they had heard Jesus right
in the first instance.
Did He really tell them to go?
And then it happened.
To add to their already ‘sorry state’, a ‘ghost’ was walking towards them!
Shouts and screams thickly laced with fear rent the atmosphere.
One wouldn’t need a prophet to tell that something was seriously amiss down there.

But then there came that Voice; calm, yet well above the din,
“Be of good cheer; it is I, be not afraid.”
Brethren, when faced with trying times, know that Jesus Christ is still calling out,
“Don’t worry…
I am with you…
be not afraid…
fear not…
be still and know that I am God…”

In the midst of the storm,
learn to be calm.
Learn not to fret.
Learn not to substitute faith for fear, and your Help for a ghost.

You remember the Isaiah 43:2 we quoted earlier?
It goes on to say that the waters or the fire won’t hurt you because God is with you.
Oh, what a soothing phrase. God is with me!
Learn to have this consciousness in your heart always.
God is with me. Therefore I fear not.
Upon returning to the disciples, we see Peter daring to walk towards Jesus… on water!
And brethren, he did walk to Jesus on water. And we must commend him both for daring and for this faith,
for he teaches us a lesson.
In our walk with God,
we need to desire more…
to dare more…
to faith more.

Jesus Christ said we would do greater things than He did while on earth!
Desire to do more.
When you see the sick, dare to lay your hands on them.
Oh! We get back and Peter has begun to sink!
What happened?
The Bible records that he saw the wind.
Yes he SAW the wind… then FEAR set in… and then he began to SINK.
We see a pattern here which we will come back to later.
But first let’s pause and ponder.
“Wasn’t the wind boisterous when Peter left the boat?”
Of course it was!
But Peter was so engrossed in his discourse with Jesus that he failed to notice the wind.
His eyes were so fixed on Jesus that he saw the wind no more.
He only saw himself walking on water. Faith.
So what’s in there for us?
Where we fix our eyes determines what fills us up and the outcome thereof.
When we fix our eyes on the storm, we are filled with fear and we sink.
But when we see Jesus only (despite the prevailing/surrounding circumstance/situation), faith fills us up and we walk on water.
Yeah, that’s the pattern I talked about.
[See challenges > Fear >> Sinking.
See Jesus > Faith >> Walking on Water].

And the truth of the matter is that you cannot see both Jesus and the storm at the same time,
for you cannot serve two masters at the same time.
Choose you therefore whom you shall serve this day!
We come back and we see Peter crying out for help.
And Jesus did help him.
So no matter where or how you’ve messed up,
Jesus is around to save you from drowning.
Just call upon Him NOW!
So finally, Jesus Christ saves Peter and carries him into the boat (walking on the water).
And immediately Jesus Christ got into the boat, the storm ceased! Respect!

P.S.: Thanks for stopping by...
MORE to come...
Stay tuned...

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