I have a little Christian epiphany
For some reason, I wanted to find out what the Bible says on divorce and remarriage. And I tried to find out what the major Christian preachers have to say on the topic.
The vast majority of my favorite preachers parroted the same thing. They all said that it's not okay to divorce and remarry. Only one or two of them were cautious and made carefully worded comments on the topic.
I wanted to dive deeper on this subject because I came across a situation where some bad people, of highly questionable characters, separated two lovers by citing the Bible and saying that the two shouldn't be together as one of them was a divorcee. I knew for a fact that the bad people had an ulterior motive. And that they weren't interested in the correct interpretation of the Bible at all. So I wanted to find out on my own as to what other reliable Christians, who have no ulterior motive, have to say on the subject.
While searching for Christian testimonies, I stumbled upon one YouTube video by Michael Chriswell. His testimony is fascinating. I learned a lot from his YouTube videos, on divorce and remarriage. Here's the link to one his videos: Christian Remarriage: What Many Pastors Refuse to See in the Bible
I can't vouch for Michael Chriswell's take on other matters. But when it comes to divorce and remarriage, Michael Chriswell seems to be right.
From this time on, I can't honestly rely on others to interpret the Bible for me. After doing this little research on my own, one thing led to another, and another, and another. And I kind of enjoyed the journey.
My conclusion: one has to rely on the Holy Spirit to move us one way or the other. And that the correct interpretation is highly context-dependent. We have to take many things into consideration. We have to let the Holy Spirit open our spiritual eyes.
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. (Isaiah 55:8)
Oh no. I misspelt christian-trail as "christian-trial."