Jesus Christ, Our Example

in #christian-trial6 years ago (edited)


Jesus Christ our lord sent many examples for us to follow as bondservants. Even though he was God, he laid aside his devine nature and took the form of bondservant by dying a shameful death on the cross for our redemption. In John 13, Jesus know that his out of glorification had come. He then taught his disciples were very surprised when they saw Jesus, their Master rise from supper, laying aside his outer garments, placing a towel round his waist, taking a basin of water, and washing their feet.

Among the jew's, washing someone's feet was seen as a menial work and it was the Gentle servants who would do that, yes Jesus did it. He was their lord and Master, yet he served them. In fact, Jesus knew that among his disciples there was a competition of who should be the greatest among them, and to deal with this unhealthy competition, selfishness and arrogance, He taught them that whoever wants to become great must first serve and whoever wants to be first must be a servant of all.

John 13:15-16 (NIV)- I have set you an example that you should do as i have done for you. I tell you the truth, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him.

Do you want to become great in the kingdom of God? Then we must serve. We must lat aside all forms of pride and unhealthy competition and serve both our superiors and subordinates, just as Jesus Christ our lord did. Having known this true of humility and service, blessed and happy are we if we do them.(John 13:17).

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You have a minor grammatical mistake in the following sentence:

In John 13, Jesus know that his our of glorification had come.
It should be out of instead of our of.


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