Indicators of a Spirit-Filled Exemplary Christian Youth


The importance of the holy-spirit in the life of Christians cannot be over-emphasized. The Holy Spirit empowers the Christians to perform acts of faith greater than their own physical capabilities. Truly, the Holy Spirit’s filling is a ‘must have’ for every Christian youth. Without his ministry in and through our lives, we will not properly perform the exemplary roles, which God is expecting from us. But through the power of the Holy Spirit, we can see him do the impossible.
However, sometimes we become a little confused on what a spirit-filled life looks like.
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Here are some that reveal the Holy Spirit’s filling in the Christian’s life

  1. A Spirit-filled Christian youth is personally yielded: The key to effective and fruitful relationship with God is a genuine private walk. It’s personal determination to have a fruitful relationship with God.
  2. A Spirit-filled Christian youth models godliness: The lifestyle of a spiritual Christian youth, is to be an open book, a living testimony, easily seen, clearly examined, and able to be emulated.
  3. A sprit-filled Christian youth lead others in sanctification: When God’s spirit is in control of our life, there will be a noticeable direction away from sin both privately and publicly, at home and at Church
  4. A spirit-filled Christian youth maintains spiritual priority: Right priorities are the products of God’s leading. Without the Holy Spirit’s guidance, you’ll never truly zero in on God’s priorities for your life.
  5. A spirit filled Christian youth leads others to Christ: Acts 1:8 instructs us to be “witness”. Simply put, the Products of the spirit at work in our life will make us a soul winner.
  6. A spirit-filled Christian youth maintains oversight: Spirit-lead oversight will make you both observant and obedient. In other words, you will notice things you never noticed and then the holyspirit will lead you to take actions and to obey his impulses.
  7. A spirit filled Christian youth encourages orderliness: When the holyspirit is active and working, order will be the natural result. This “order” might be as simple as picking up a piece of trash or as complicated as restructuring your adult Sunday school.
  8. A spirit-filled Christian Youth remains impartial: The holyspirit will lead you to serve every member of your family, church and secular circles with the same concern and intensity. He will give patience, understanding, and caution where you might otherwise be reactionary or emotionally charged.
  9. A spirit filled Christian youth is gracious in trials: Hebrews 4:16 teaches us that we can “come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace too help in time of need”. A peaceful, gracious, and strong spirit through the most difficult of times is supernatural. Apart from the holyspirit, we tend to “fall apart”.
  10. A Spirit-filled Christian Youth exercises Spiritual authority: Holy Spirit-led authority will lead authoritatively but kindly, and it will always seek to resolve discord rather than stir it up. This kind of authority responds kindly to those who disagree and still loves and give from a deep heart of compassion and grace.


We are commanded to “be filled with the Holy Spirit” (Ephesians 5:18). How are we filled with the spirit? Most important is living within God’s holy and moral directives. Paul gives the specific example of not being drunk with alcohol. However, any Christian living in sin of any kind will not experience the joy of the Holy Spirit, but will become enslaved to sin (Romans 6:19; 19-23). An equally important aspect of being filled with the Spirit is being involved in spiritual endeavors.
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Paul gives examples of reciting psalms, singing hymns and spiritual songs, giving thanks to God for all things, and being subject to one another (Colossians 3:16; 4:6). Part of being filled certainly involves setting our minds on heavenly things (Romans 8:4-6; 12:1-2, Colossians 3:2, Hebrews 13:5), so that we may be transformed and renewed to the will of God.


The Holy Spirit lives in the Christian and guides the actions of those who desire His presence. The Spirit empowers the believer to step outside his comfort zone to do extraordinary acts of faith for God. Being filled with the spirit involves transforming your minds to the mind of Christ as we engage in spiritual activities.
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Walking in the spirit leads to a sense of peace and joy, as we partner with God in His glorious plans. Violating our conscience through acts of disobedience leads to a loss of the Holy Spirit, which takes away our joy and peace. Although God will not take the Holy Spirit away from a disciple but the continual practice of sin and a lack of spiritual activities will lead to a life that is no different than the life of a non-believer.


For the spirit of God gives life

Yes, He gives life in abundance to all those who seek him...

How bit when the spirit of truth shall come, He will guide us into all things...Nice post.

Yes sir...thanks for stopping by.

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