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RE: Are you FREE?

in #christian-trail7 years ago

Free from what? Yes from sin you meant. "If the SON sets you free, you are free indeed. You didnt talk about religion here. Relationship with Jesus Christ breaks one's bondage from sin and satanic influences. Thats freedom indeed.


I did sire.

All you need do is:

  1. Accept that you are a sinner, in bondage (Psalm 51:3).
  2. Believe in the finished work of Christ on the cross (Romans 10:9-11).
  3. Confess your sins to the Lord now (1 John 1:9 Romans 10:9 -10).
  4. Forsake all your sins, evil companion (friends) and association (Isaiah 55:7, 8).
  5. Decide to live for Christ from today and forever.
  6. After you are saved, you must remain in the liberty (freedom) wherewith Christ hath made you free (Galatians 5:1).

Accepting Christ gives you the life of Christ which is the main reason behind the name CHRISTIAN and the religion, CHRISTIANITY.

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