Three mysterious mysteries about SEX

The mystery of sex is unsearchable and the dangers of the act is enormous. however, this piece is to enlighten you on the dangers and spiritual implications of sex in order to forewarn and to guide you against involving in it outside the context of marriage and for you who have done it, it is not too late for God can remove the old lump and give you a new lump that is restore you! Amen


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And the two shall become one flesh says the Lord God

Now to start with,

  1. Sex is a bonding

God has said and the two shall become one flesh! Whenever you involve in this act, you bond your soul to the person..The implication of this is you are sharing your life with that a person. There is oneness, sharing,exchange, soul tieing, intimacy and everything associated with bonding

2.spiritual bonding

Now, for sexual act there is a spiritual implication. Now everybody has a spirit and spirits operate on the spiritual realms! As you bond yourself spiritually to this person, you give a permit to them to access you in the spirit and as such, when they can't get you to do the act in the physical, they come in the spiritual to have sex that is the case you have of people having spiritual husband, sex mates in dreams. The people you have sexual act with will always look for your spirit to defile while you sleep, you can't escape their bond unless, a greater hand delivers you, The mighty Power of God

3 .Physical bonding

Now the dangers of sex also affects you physically! How, haven't you wandered why you hear of people masturbating? Hmmmmmm

I realise the fire of the holy ghost upon every spirit that rapes people while they sleep in the name of Jesus, Amen.

I pause to say this prayer because the influence of this unseen demons is horrible! Even in the life of believers!. Now, listen, whenever you masturbate, you do this act with unseen demons, they come to carry out this evil with you unknown to you.

They begin from your unconscious mind and influence your thoughts, then display pictures and compel you to watch pornography and then eventually, you find yourself in the actual act!

You have to decide to break free! Desire it or else you will be and remain miserable of all creatures. Those demons only make a fool of you! Haven't you wandered why you look for objects to satisfy you during the act?

God's power by the victory of Jesus on the cross will deliver you in Jesus name but you have to say NO to these demons. Say no and demand their death or else they will influence even your dreams and use you against yourself. Yes you will even see yourself masturbating in the dreams? That is the most defeated life any man can ever live! Your wills and desire lost to the devil! God forbid!

What Is your take?

Choose to be free! You need to stand against the devil, you need to come under the cross of Christ!
Come with groaning! Fight! Pray! Fasting can't even stop this forces, it is your will and desire to be free and the mighty power of God that can break this yoke resulting from sex

Avoid premarital sex! God has said, and the two shall become one flesh! And he has said also

you can't make God's members(your body) joint with that of a prostitute NO!

Know you not that you were bought with a price? Glorify God in your body!

Keep yourself pure! And save yourself the war against sexual spirits!

Firstly, Jesus in your heart, confess Jesus with your mouth and believe in your heart and you are saved

Then begin to do works unto righteousness, trust God and continue to believe then at the end, you will be in heaven with God.

Only the truth sets free!
And you have the truth now!

Stay blessed

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