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“Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.”
One of my favorites!
To bridal the tongue and to walk in righteousness is a conscious act, but it does not rely on our own strength and resource. We put off the old man and put on the new man. We consciously walk in the Spirit and in so doing we won’t fulfill the lusts of the flesh. We mortify or kill the misdeeds of the body. Out of our love for God we keep His commands. We hide His Word in our hearts so we might not sin against Him.
Jesus continually baptizes us with the Holy Spirit and Fire. To burn up and get rid of the root cause of sin. One of the fruit of the Spirit is self control.

Religion is outward good behavior. Our relationship and true conversion makes the old man die with Christ, then we are also risen with Him. The new creation does new things because of a new heart and mind. It comes from the inside. We do right because we are right.
We also have to be careful what we feed. The Spirit so we reap life or sow to the flesh and reap corruption.
A true Christian fed and watered properly will produce good fruit.
Love James!
God bless!

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