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RE: Making Amends – Proverbs 14:9

if a brother is offended, we’re suppose to go and make it right.

It's important to think through at least once a day to see if there is someone whom you have not forgiven. Holding a grudge is not for the righteous.

"If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.”

The Most High is ultimate righteousness and He does not hold a grudge. But someone would say "What about the Canaanites, etc whom God commanded Israel to eradicate!"

Even when the Most High commanded the elimination of the depraved nations in and around the land of Canaan for their wickedness, He still allowed Rahab from Jericho and Ruth from Moab to be grafted into Israel, not holding a grudge against these nations but seeking reconciliation, showing goodwill towards a depraved people, that they would repent.

I believe that just as Nineveh was sent prophets for reconciliation, the nations in and around Canaan were sent prophets from the Most High to seek reconciliation, giving them ample time to repent. God did His part to make things right, but...

If they choose to hold on to unforgiveness, that’s up to them.

On a much largert scale, Yeshua came for reconciliation to all the nations of the world and His Father who sent him has given us ample time to repent. We have offended the Creator of the Universe, yet He has gone to extreme lengths to make amends with us, even allowing the death of His own Son for our sakes!

God went to these who has offended Him and forgave them 7x70 times a day, to try to make things right, just as He instructs us to do as well. But the nations held on to their unforgiveness and those who refuse to repent will ultimately have to pay every penny. God will say to them:

‘You wicked servant! I forgave all your debt because you begged me. Shouldn’t you have had mercy on your fellow servant, just as I had on you?

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