The Power of Light | Daily Devos

in #christian-trail6 years ago (edited)


This past weekend on my road home, after camping in the forests of BC, I listened to and sang loudly and proudly with my daughters and wife. The songs we sang were children's praise music by a band called "The Rizers". If you have kids and you have faith, you should find them on Youtube or iTunes and give their music a try, its scriptural truth wrapped in joyful melodic beauty, and as we listened and sang I recall particular joy hearing my 4 year old singing these beautiful words:

"All scripture is God breathed..."

This quote is from scripture, 2 Timothy 3:16, and it is a direct quote from the children's song, of the same name, linked below. The name of the band is "The Rizers", which if you have kids, and faith in Christ, then you should really check out.


Meet "The Rizers":

"We are The Rizers, a band that sings Scripture verses in the form of upbeat, kid-friendly music. Our name is short for "memorizers"- oh snap! The five band members are Gracie (lead vocals), Matty C. (guitar and vocals), Mei Mei (keytar) , A-Yo (drums) and Johnny Danger (bass). We aren't rockstars or anything, we just like to rock out in our practice space (a.k.a. Matty C.'s garage) in the town of Rizing Springs.

Our mission is simple, we want to instill in kids a love for Jesus Christ and his Word through Scripture memory, praise and worship."

You can find their website at, and at their site you can buy their music, apparel, and learn more.

My Family loves The Rizers:

Their music is fun, catchy and more importantly deeply meaningful.

I have both albums from The Rizers, and my kids really respond to both, but frankly I enjoy it too, and hopefully you will also. The following link is a song that Hazel and I were BELTING out in the car yesterday on our way home from a weekend away... it was really cool to hear my girl voicing her confidence in Christ and the corresponding denouncement of fear.

John 14:27 English Standard Version (ESV)

27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.

I enjoy music like this, I think the topic is valid and truthful, but also I love that it stands in opposition to all the poison we hear on the radio today, so much music is obvious, and trite, redundant, boring and derivative: "buy, buy, buy", "sex, sex, sex", it's all the same. Then you hear something like The Rizers. "Do not, do not, let your heart be troubled! Do not, do not, don't be afraid!" It's like a breath of fresh air.

#Truth #Amen

2 Timothy 3:16-17 English Standard Version (ESV)

16 All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, 17 that the man of God[a] may be complete, equipped for every good work.

Why does this matter?

Faith is a gift from God, He either gives us eyes to see or not. I do not need to play such music for my daughter to encourage her faith to grow, so why do it? Am I brain-washing my kids? Well first of all, we all brain-wash our children into believeing one thing or another, but I reject that my efforts can be the cause of my daughter, or anyone else, "knowing" God, and that therefore my selection of music can "cause" her obediance to Christ.

In my actions, words and choices I can reflect His life and light but I cannot "make" one see, only God can do that.

Yet, I celebrate God in all things because I believe 1) that He is real, 2) that He is God, 3) that He is worthy of all praise, and 4) that he cares what I believe. Whether anyone else accepts these truthes or not, is between themselves and God alone.

Followers of Christ should move toward Him, and let our light shine, and to the extent we do so we are obediant and faithful to Him, but none of us is perfect in these things. I try, and part of that is cherishing God by making Him part of my daily life, including in the music I enjoy with my family. We follow Christ by letting our light shine, which is another way of saying letting the love he has for us, be visible through our lives, words and deeds.

Matthew 5:15 English Standard Version (ESV)

15 Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house.

We let our light shine...

What people do with that proclamation is between them and God, not me. I pray that those who hear, know, but I can no more control your conversion than my own, nor that of my daughter's. Only God saves.


My daughter's journey in life and with Christ is only beginning, and there may come a day where she rejects His truth, hopefully not, but if so I will lovingly listen to her arguments, and gently debate the merits of her disbelief, while praying for her. I do not, and will not, demand faithfulness, or devotion to the Lord, I will simply model those things and reflect His light, presence, mercy and grace while hoping and praying that the Lord moves in her soul. Always praying that she would know and be known by Him.

Loving God is not a chore to be done begrudingly, you either surrender your heart to love or not, love cannot be forced or compelled, not even by God.

My Prayer:

I pray that Christ whispers to my girls, and I believe he already has, but time will tell how they respond. Lord help them, and even me, to hear and obey, to see and respond, to feel your love and acknowledge with our grateful and humble hearts surrender to all that you call us to be.

As always, thanks for your time and attention, I hope you enjoy my post, and the music; I really do.

Questions or Comments?

If you have any questiosn about what I have written or my expression of faith in Christ as Lord and Saviour, even if you want to tease me about what to you might seem silly, please leave a comment, I am happy to dialogue with anyone. The bible says that God can use those who are "hot or cold", but it is those that are luke warm who God cannot use, who he spits out, so I believe if I have said something that evokes a response in you, whether negative or positive, I believe God is already calling you.

If you think that might be you, talk to me, ask questions, and take a moment to pray, its not a complicated thing. Just find a quiet place, close your eyes and ask God what you long to know, you might start by asking "God, if you are real, help me to know it." These words are not magical, but they are a start to a conversation that God willing will be life long and eternally significant.



Happy day friend, the power of light is essential for us, light is destined for the glory of God, the purpose of living for Christ is to shine the light so that they see our good works and glorify our father Jesus our Lord.

Amen amen amen. :)

My faith must be based on what Jesus is, for him who believes everything is possible. Faith is powerful, but it needs direction. The Holy Spirit brings that direction that your faith needs. When Paul said: "Everything is lawful for me, but not everything is convenient; everything is lawful for me, but not everything edifies was referring to direction. The Holy Spirit directs you, but you must acquire the faith.

Thanks for the great comment @andresr28, I love that quote: everything is lawful for me, but not everything is edifies...", the focus is on what improves you, not what you are allowed to do.

Hello friend, what a beautiful prayer I hope that Christ will respond to you and your little girls Amen and so be it, as happened on your big trip I hope you very well greetings

Thank you thank you thank you

Happy evening my friend, we should always keep our prayers firm, and present in our day, help us in a very positive way in all senses, relax us calm, and clear our mind and above all make us think and act clearly .

Hello friend, I hope you had a nice weekend with your princess, the light always filled with peace to all, the light is something incredible, I remember that in the holy week I went with a candle to illuminate the saints, it was something very beautiful the truth, Greetings and amen

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