“Yea Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil”Psalms 23:4

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In my infant years, I had a series of chronic fears. I had every form of fears you could ever imagine but one form of fear that was prevalent was the fear of the unknown-I was simply fearful of the outcomes of the future. As I advanced in my chronological age, I began to realize the spirit of fear had been planted in me as it continued to grow with my age.
Then, I came to the realization that it affected virtually everything I did. I was practically living with the personality of fear that gradually culminated into an intense poor self-esteem.

As a young girl, I had feelings that there was something incomplete about my person; everything I did, in my opinion was below the standard I had set for myself. When I did anything seemingly meaningful and I got the compliments of others, I responded with a self-depreciating expression of “Thank you… but I never thought it was good enough.” I was simply enclosed in a self-imposed prison built by the poor opinion of myself.

Although, I was convinced I had a definite call of God upon my life, it was seemingly impossible to achieve it. The timid person in me had built a protective wall of defense; specially structured to prevent my reaching out to people- and that was opposed to the fulfillment of the divine call.

The tide turned as I met God in a definite way in 2007- I had a personal encounter that rescued me from the fear of the unknown; evil. I had always longed to find God; to make Him more of a reality than I had known.

I had an unquenchable desire to be a woman who had got His mind to go through the facets of life, but to think that the answer was so near; closer than I thought, was seemingly an illusion for me. Suddenly! I found out, Jeremiah 29:13.

“If you get serious about finding me, I’ll make sure you don’t get disappointed
Indeed, the spoken and written word became the living word for me as God delivered me from all of my fears and filled the vacuum in my walk with Him.

Though it had been a childhood scripture, the reality of that verse dawned on me, and it is still more real to me as I write this post.

That was a road map for me and the beginning of an unending journey in my walk with the Lord.

In the next post, I will be sharing with you the various forms of fear…what do people fear and what is God’s mind about these?

Please, stay connected !


Christians are still persecuted in many parts of the world. Many of them are tortured everyday for their faith. May God give strength to his persecuted church.

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