Man was created to function maximally as he constantly kept in touch with God in a highly "personal and intimate" way.

Scriptures did record that in the beginning of time , God usually cool off with man in the garden.

This is what God intended (and still do) for us. Sadly, sin intercepted that arrangement and Jesus as God's Sole progeny gave His life for us to be restored to our original testament.

When He died on the cross on that historic day , the Bible has this to say :
Matthew 27:51-53
[51] And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent;

[52] And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose,

[53] And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many".

At first hand , the limitations that sin and flesh kept man under were destroyed at the instance of Jesus death and the power of Death which has kept many under fear was disarmed as the death rose to life.

There is a fundamental truth that must slide away. While Satan saw Jesus death as a frustration of God's plan ; to us it is the only reason
we are here today lifting up holy hands.

Today , the power that flows from Jesus death and resurrection is still to quicken our mortal bodies , restore us to communion with God and wroth terrible miracles on our account.

Whatever it is that you seek in this month and today , you can get as you exercise faith in your covenant rights in His blood sacrifice.

Stretch forth your hands and let Him hold your hand as He did to Peter and He shall never let you down. Praise be to the Lord!

Thanks for reading and remain blessed, Happy Sunday to You all my Friends.

Photo credit; pexels


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God bless you.


Thanks for sharing @frank4jesus (51)in christian-trail •

God bless you sir!

The death of Jesus has really given us great opportunities to be share holders in God's Kingdom. Thanks for sharing this I really enjoyed it.


Thanks friend for the awesome comment.

Thank you Jesus... Thanks for sharing

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