I have felt myself not as close to GOD the last half of this year, after speaking to a friend about this week he gave me some questions to ask myself and I thought they would be great to share with more beleivers.


  1. What is greatest thing Jesus has done in my life this year?

2.How has God used me this year in the lives of others?

  1. One word to define my current relationship with Jesus? passionate, intimate, ever-growing, mediocre,stagnate, friends, equaintences?

4.how much time have i been spending in God's Word?

5.what truth has God been revealing in my life through His Word?

6.Am I enjoying prayer?

  1. Is my life defined by the traits of honesty, purity, integrity,character , servanthood, giver, humble, kind, loving, faithful, joyful,peaceful,meek, bold , patient teuthful and slow to anger?

8.Have i stood strong for God's Truth?

9.Have i protected and helped the weak and needy?

  1. Do i ponder the fulness of the Gospel daily?

11.What have my resources shown about my focus and priorities this year? ( time, tallents, gifts, finaces, attitudes, passions and thoughts)

  1. Have i listened to God when he has put me in situations to reveal Him to the lost?

13.What do i want to see God do in my life this year? What can i do for God?

  1. Have i stayed true to His word in all circumstances of everyday life?

  2. Am I fully Surrendered to God?

I am ashamed to say my answers did not stack up to well, although with God's i will strive to be good and faithful servant to my Lord in 2018 and forever more..

My Pastor always told people who said they felt not as close to God as they had in the past, well if your honest with yourself who is the one creating the distance?

“The Lord is near to all who call upon Him, to all who call upon Him in truth.” Psalm 145:18

May the Lord Bless you all in 2018 and may everything you do, Gloryify Him!

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